I start my day off as I do any day on my private island with my mother yelling at me to wake up. I arise from my bed, thinking to myself how I will win over my love, Susan test. I call my group of researchers in to my lab and we talk strategy. Susan will be mine she will be or at least thought she would. I make my way to the test household with my plan in my mind Susan will be mine by the end of the day she will no longer be in love with that Gil Gil next-door he makes me cringe with just the thought of his name his gross tan skin that makes him look like the Cheeto that he is his frosted blonde hair makes him look like an ugly, ripped off guy fieri. He had nothing to offer her instead I was plump and bootylicious, thicc but tasteful. I had all the money in the world my beautiful teeth my am basically perfect bowl haircut in my short height made me very huggable. How could she not love me I was the perfect man all wrapped up into one the perfect well human. She was as close to perfection I was going to get her bright red hair her gorgeous glistering lab coat her glasses that made the moon hover which I don't believe in since I am a moon truth her. Her sense of fashion the only thing standing in my way was that pesky little Brother of hers. He is gotten in the way and foiled every single one of my plans I will never ever crumble underneath that little kid ever again he was a year younger than me. His blonde tips it is red base his hair just looks like flames oh God no I'm not falling for him he's not is perfect and precious as Susan...
Wrong test?
RomanceBling bling boy spends his life searching for Susan test but will he find love in her younger brother Johnny