Boyfriend (Hayes Grier)

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Chapter 1

Today is the day I am traveling to see my dad. I havent seen him since i was 6. He visited a year or two after my parents got a divorce. I am  scared to see him since I havent seen him in so long, but I am also excited. I arrive at the airport and begin to wonder around, looking for your boarding plane.


On the plane I sit next to an old lady. She fell alseep on me about 10 minutes into the fight. I kept trying to shake her off but i couldnt. She would just come back on top of me. This very nice lady saw me struggling with her (i think) and asked me if i wanted to swich seats with her. I was so happy, Oh Lord.

As i was walking towards her seat i spot a boy. Sitting right next to the seat where i was heading to. He had brown hair and dreamy brown eyes. They made me melt. I fixed me hair cause im pretty sure it looked jacked up, but yet again so did my face. I was wearing no makeup except mascara, it felt weird.

Anyways the boy, he was staring at me, well at least i think it was at me. I was just standing their like an idiot, so i kept shuffling around till i got to the seat. When i sat down he whispers at me, "Hello gorgeous". My heart drops like a roller coaster. Was he talking to me? He couldnt have. I looked around but i was the only teenager around.  "Im talking to you silly" he says.

"Oh" is all i can manage.

"My names Hayes" he says. Hes voice is so sexy.

"Allison" i mummble.

Boyfriend or Best Friend? (Hayes Grier)Where stories live. Discover now