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(Y/n)=Your name.

(e/c)=Eye colour.

(s/c)=Skin colour.

(f/c)=Favourite colour.

It was a normal midsummer's afternoon, and a warm one too.

You were at home, as you normally are on a Saturday afternoon and as per usual you were bored out of your mind.

There was nothing on TV and you didn't feel like watching any of your DVD's as you'd watched them more times you could count.

"Is it actually possible to die of boredom?" you thought aloud as you leaned back into the back of your sofa.

It was times like this you wished Sarah was around.

Ah,  Sarah...

The confident and gorgeous woman you held very dearly to your heart.

You remember the day you met, years ago...

=== Flashback ===

It was your fist day at Kindergarten and as a result you were very shy and quite nervous, well, more than usual.

The Teacher had introduced you to the class and before long it was playtime.

Being the shy little boy you were you just wandered around the playground, the sounds of your fellow kindergarteners filling the air as you sat down on a bench.

"Hey there!" came a girl's voice .

Looking up your (e/c) eyes met a girl, she had amber colored hair that framed her face very well and blue eyes, she smiled at you.

Realizing that she probably expects you to talk back you stutter for a response, "H-Hello." you said.

"Sarah!" she said extending her hand out for you to shake.

"(Y-Y/n)." you replied while returning the handshake.

'She seems nice.' you mentally note.

Sarah's smile grew as she tilted her head to the side, "Mind if I sit with you?"

You glance at the space next to you and then back to the American girl, "Um, s-sure." you said with a shy smile.

The blue eyed girl seats herself next to you and asks "Your new here aren't you?"

"I-I am."

A look of sadness appears on Sarah's face, "So... you don't have any friends?"

You shake your head slightly.

A warm smile appears on the amber-haired girl, "Well, you've got one now."

From that day on you and Sarah became inseparable.

You went to each other's birthday parties and spent most of your time together, in fact you would say that you practically grew up together seen as Sarah lived just down the street from you and as the years went by your friendship only grew stronger and stronger.

However, as you both got older your feelings grew stronger and before long you'd developed a crush for your friend.

You kept your affections a secret throughout high school for fear that she would reject you, so for the time being you settled for just being best friends, although your heart yearned for so much more.

After High school you found a job and moved out of your parent's house and into the one you reside in now, to your surprise Sarah did the same and moved into a house a few blocks down the street from you, you'd visit each other often.

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