chapter one

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liza's pov

     my eyes flutter open at the sound of my alarm. i squint at my phone screen and stop the maddening alarm. my eyes squeezed shut, not wanting to wake up just to spend another 7 hours at that hell hole.

getting myself ready, i try to make myself look somewhat decent. my phone vibrated, kristen texted.

kristen: i'll be there in 5

i quickly went to the kitchen to put a couple of eggo waffles in the toaster and grab a banana for breakfast. my waffles were done just as kristen pulled up to my house.

"bye dad!" i said loud enough for him to hear me before getting into kristen's car.

"hey, bub," kristen said to me once i got into the car.

"hi," i sighed and rested my head on the window.

"what's wrong?" kristen asked while she began driving.

"nothing, i just don't want to go to that prison," i told her while covering the cuts on my wrists with my sleeves. kristen glances at me and then turns back to looking at the road.

"you don't have to hide them from me, i'm your best friend," kristen said to me.

my eyes widened at the fact that she knew, but it wasn't that much of a shock because she's my best friend and she knows everything without me having to tell her.

the cuts on my wrists helps with the emotional pain. it helps me forget about the amount of sadness i feel, but it's also an addiction.

"you know what, how about we go get froyo after school?" kristen asked, trying to lighten the mood.


"i have to stay after school for a bit so wait for me," she told me.

    first period is almost over. i have to use the restroom, but i try to hold it in so i won't have to draw attention to myself by raising my hand and asking. three minutes pass by and i can't hold it anymore, so i raise my hand to ask if i could use the restroom. i hate causing attention to myself. i get all nervous and my hands get sweaty. i tried to quickly walk to the door, but i tripped over something and i fell flat on my face. my face slammed right into the floor. i didn't want to move. i wanted to just disappear. before i knew it tears started streaming down my face. i turn to see that a group of boys were laughing at me. i realized that one of the boys tripped me. it was my enemy.

we hate each other. i try to avoid him as much as i can but it's impossible. he's done a lot of mean things to me, but this crossed the line. i'm done playing his stupid games.

"are you okay liza?" the teacher asked me.

"i'm fine," i said aggressively and left the classroom.

i go to the bathroom to clean myself up.
"i hate school," i whisper as i slide my back down the wall and rest my head on my knees.

the final bell rings and i sit on a bench to wait for kristen after school. i tried to take out one of my books to read while i wait, but me being the clumsy person i am, i dropped everything out of my book bag. i reached down to grab my stuff when another set of hands reached down to help me. i peer up at the set of hands helping me and my stomach turned. it was the last person that i wanted to see, my enemy, david.

"i can pick my stuff up on my own," i growled.

"look, i'm just trying to help."

"yeah? just like you helped me fall on my face earlier?" i said to him while putting the rest of my stuff in my book bag.

"i'm really sorry."

"what about all the other times you and your stupid friends made fun of me and laughed at me," i told him while tucking my hair behind my ear which caused my sleeve to fall down, leaving my cuts to be shown. i could see david glance at them so i quickly put my arms behind my back.

"what happened?" he asked me.

"what?" i said pretending as if i didn't know what he was talking about.

"are you okay?"

"why do you care?"

"i was-"

"hey davey," david's girlfriend, madison, said as she interlocked hands with him. "what are doing talking to this trash?"

i frowned as madison continued to make fun of me, david still doing nothing even though he claimed that he was 'sorry' no more than 5 minutes ago.

"ew are those cuts?" she said while grabbing my arm. i tried to pull away, but she wouldn't allow it. "you're such an attention seeker, just kill yourself already."

tears stung my eyes as the tall, curly haired girl pushed me back.

"okay, madison that's enough," david finally spoke out.

"look at her she's crying," madison laughed. "come on babe let's go," she walked away taking david with her.

david turned his head back towards me with a face of sympathy as he watched a tear roll down my cheek. from the way he looked at me, i could tell he didn't mean to hurt me,

but he did.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 26, 2018 ⏰

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