Rayman Fanfiction: The Guardian among us.

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Authors Note: Hey guys. I really love Rayman so please enjoy this story about my favourite video game character of ALL time. The Characters of Rayman, Globox, Grand Minimus, Ly, Murphy, The bubble Dreamer and some others all belong to Ubisoft.

Chapter 1: It all happens again.


Cringing under his blankets, Rayman regretted setting the alarm clock. He rummaged his hand out from underneath his blankets as he searched for the guilty timepiece. Reaching for his bedside table, he slapped the living daylights out of the poor mechanism as it winced in pain, eventually quieting its self. Rayman sloppily strode from his bed, as he combed his arm-less hand through his golden hair, preparing his mind for the day.

KNOCK-KNOCK-KNOCK, he heard on his door as he rubbed his soft sapphire eyes from tiredness.

“Rayman", asked a feminine voice, "Are you awake yet?”

He knew this voice well; it was his friend, Ly the fairy. Feeling a grin cross his face he replied with,

“I’ll be out soon.”

He grabbed his brush and examined his hair, messy as usual. Today however he had decided to brush it. He let out a sigh after finishing his hair duty’s and patted down his purple hoodie. Afterwards he went to open his door when he was struck with surprise. With a great leap, Rayman jumped backwards from the entrance as his obnoxious goober of a friend, Globox, Smashed his way through the door. He could have sworn he had just leaped 10 metres, if only the room was that big. The blue creature smiled a dopey smile.

“Mornin’ Rayman!", he exclaimed with excitement in his voice.

Rayman, who was currently back flat on the floor, replied with a simple sigh, getting to his legless feet and combing his hand through his hair. This seemed to be an on-going habit.

“Globox", Rayman started, "have ya never heard of knocking, my friend?”

Globox gave him a blank stare and said nothing.

“Well I know what I do know of", Globox grinned, "I know for a fact that Ly is waiting for you downstairs.

Rayman was awestruck as he remembered Ly was expecting him and he sprinted downstairs, leaving Globox to waddle behind. Upon reaching the kitchen he realised he was a bit late. Everyone in the gang was already settled for breakfast. Many pairs of eyes looked at Rayman as he sat at the table, greeting everyone as he did. Murphy the greenbottle frog sat next to Grand Minimus the teensie king, Globox placed his-self next to Rayman and Ly sat towards the end of the table. Ly smiled.

“Nice to see you finally down here with us Rayman, we told Globox to carefully fetch you but I guess it flew in through one ear and out the other, judging on the sound we heard anyway.”

Murphy turned to Rayman as he started to say something but was then interrupted by Globox.

“It wasn’t my fault! I had no idea he was behind the door!” he protested.

Rayman sighed, yet again, and begged Murphy to break up this madness, as he was awfully good at that.

“I think we should stop this nonsense", Murphy chirped up just as Rayman had expected, "It is certainly not how I expected the day to start.”

As realisation kicked into them, they all prepared their breakfast, just like a normal day. Rayman however had other things on his mind.

Only a few days earlier he had been talking with Polokus or the Bubble Dreamer by nickname. This magical being had dreamed up Rayman’s whole mystical world, the Glade of Dreams, just by sleeping his days away. Rayman had ventured to the snoring tree, the Bubble Dreamers resting ground, to ask why he was designed like he was; even though it was Betilla the fairy that had created him. The Bubble Dreamer only answered in a riddle:

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⏰ Last updated: May 15, 2014 ⏰

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