Where Do I Start?

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Why? Why does this always happen to me? I fall for one person, and I just push them away. Why can't I just keep one person in my life? I push everything away, I always do. Its midnight and I'm running through the rain, just the way I like it.

"Not again." I say to myself as I stop.

"Alyssa, its the middle of the night. You got your parent scared, it's time for you to go home." The police officer said to me. My parents always think I'm running away when I go for midnight runs. I don't blame them though, it's something I would actually do.

"Okay, Brendon. Are you going to drive me again, or can I just run back home?" I've known Brendon for a while, he used to be my brothers best friend, when they were in High School anyways. They don't talk often, well since Brendon had to give Trey a minor.

"I have to give you a ride home, its my job Lyss." Brendon added a wink while he said it. He used to always flirt with me. Even though hes four years older than me, he has always been cute to me.

I crawled into his cop car. "Were the sirens needed Bren? You've caught me atleast seven times now, and I seriously don't know why my parents get so scared when they know how I am."

"Well first, it's my job. I have to used the sirens when your parents call in for a sixteen year old runaway." He smirked. "And you're only sixteen Lyss, you shouldn't be out running on a busy highway alone. Especially at midnight. Trey would flip if he knew you were out here alone!"

"I'm sixteen and I act more like I'm your age. So stop it. I don't run even close to the highway. I run more by the woods. And what the hell made Trey come into this? Trey doesn't care, he doesn't care about anything but girls and money." I spoke in more of a hush manner, these cop cars scare me. Even though I've ridden in one plenty of times before.

Brendon shakes his head, runs a hand through his wet brown hair, and looks at me with his green eyes. "You don't get it Lyssa." He doesn't call me Lyssa a lot. Only when he's being serious. "People like you are the reason some men go to jail. You're cute Lyss, but you're only sixteen. You could easily get..." He trailed off. But I knew what he meant.

"Bren, it's not like that. I can take care of myself." I grabbed his hand. "You're like a big brother to me, Bren. If anything were to happen to me, you'd be the first person to know, I promise." I looked up to his beautiful green eyes. Then back down to my hands on just one of his. "I promise..:" I said quietly.

Bren took his free hand and lifted my chin, so that i was looking at him. "You're not like a little sister to me Alyssa Jane. You're like a friend, and maybe someday we could be a bit more than just friends?"

"Bren.." I didn't know what to say. He obviously didn't either, instead of talking, he kissed me.

It was a great kiss. Even though it was just a peck, I could feel all the impulsive feelings in it. When I pulled away, I looked into his gorgeous green eyes.

"Why do you do this to me Lyss? When ever I see you all I want to do is be with you." He laughed and shook his head. Finally, he started his car up. I'll be on my way home. I don't know if I could take another moment of this awkwardness.

"I'm only sixteen, Bren. You're twenty."

"It's only four years Lyssa. It's not much. And you can't tell me that it's not mutual. You've liked me since you were at least thirteen." He was right, I did like him. He's my brothers age, thats the whole weird part.

"What if Trey found out that I liked you and you liked me? How do you think he'd handle that?"

"For you, I would talk to him. Could I try and just take you out, on a date perhaps?" He took his eyes off the road and looked at me. It's really hard to say no to his beautiful smile. His beautiful eyes.

"One date. If it goes well, we'll take it from there." Still looking at his face. He smiled and focused back on the road. Almost home I said to myself. Thank god.

"Well heres your stop, Miss Jane. Hopefully I'll see your beautiful self soon?" He tucked a piece of my dirty blonde hair behind my ear. Yet again, he kissed me. This time it was a more passionate kiss. Of course, I kissed this handsome police officer back.

When we finally pulled away, he spoke in a quiet tone. "Your blue eyes get me every time."

I couldn't help but smile. "Seeya Bren." I kissed him on the cheek and left his car. Walking up to my front door, my phone vibrated.

A text from Bren. 'Nice butt babe ;)' I laugh and texted back. 'Get back to work fool.'

I opened the door of my house to see my mother, Theresa, my father, Scott, and Trey. Oh yay!

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