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It's been 13 days since I summoned my incubus. Well, he hasn't appeared to me yet. But the spell did say that it would take a few days. Honestly, I didn't know what I was doing or why I did it. It just seemed like an exciting thing to do to see what would happen. I believed in ghosts and all the other creatures or beings of light and dark which existed in other realms. But I didn't think I would be lucky enough to manifest a being into my reality.

I'm currently packing for my runaway plan. I do not want to attend college, but my parents want me to. It's either I go to college or live on the streets. So because I've been saving for more than a year now, I felt that going to another state and finding a roommate on craigslist might do me some good. Ha, I know I sound mad, but sometimes in life, you have to take risks. I saved up and bought myself a car a year ago for my 17th birthday, let's say it wasn't the best car ever. It was a 1969 dark blue Volkswagen; it had a good engine. 

I had been working for two years now, which meant that I had 5,000 dollars saved up. I never really spent my money on anything. I never had to. My mother and father got me whatever I wanted. But I never really asked for anything. If I did, it was small. I mainly just got metaphysical books and crystals. These things weren't expensive, and building a collection was a straightforward thing to do. My parents are very busy individuals.  My dad is always working nights and days in the law office. My mom was always working doubles at the hospital; she's a surgeon. They made banks, but I was never a spoiled child.

They have been putting away money for college for the past few years. The first time I gained access to this account, it had about 22,000 dollars. I had been taking out 1,000 dollars every month for the past ten months.  They haven't been paying much attention to it because they haven't confronted me about it. Maybe they know, but perhaps they just haven't found the time to face me. I created an account for myself a month ago when I turned 18, and I put all of the money in it. So they don't have any idea where the money is going and no way of tracking it. My parents created an account for me when I turned 16, so I left a thousand dollars in that one to make it seem less sus if that was even close to not looking sus.

I never really wanted to be that kid who came from well of parents that would leech off of their money for fancy and expensive things. I always tried to do my something and get my stuff. I would see other individuals who would bring gifts from their parents. They would come to school with these fancy cars and new name-brand clothes. The thing is, it wasn't their money... It was their parent's money that got them that material stuff. Maybe I am a hypocrite, though. I am putting aside the money my parents worked hard to send me to college for something besides that plan. I was betraying their trust by running away.

The state I chose was Louisiana. I know that my parents would not come looking for me there. Instead, they would select Seattle, New York, or California. Somewhere hippies would hang out and choose to live. I found a lovely home that was not too close to the city. I want to find a job as a waitress or a simple job in a cafe. I don't want to be doing a whole lot and just finding my truth and my true path. I will only be paying 250 a month for the room I was staying in. I will get free WiFi, light, and all the rest. Naturally, I will have to buy my food and things of that nature.

Either way, I don't care. I want to be away from home. Away from this boring old routine, I did not choose to be a part of it. I want something more. I stuffed ten pairs of Indian harem pants, ten plain cropped tops, 20 pairs of undergarments, two pairs of ahnu karma shoes, an oversized sweater, five scarves, one hat, a bag of toiletries, my laptop, my wallet, sage, and my purse of crystals into my duffel bag. I will be bringing my guitar with me alongside this duffel bag. I do not want to have a load to carry. Plus, I do not care about most of the things I have obtained over the years. This journey I was embarking upon was detachment, as without, so within.

The drive to my destination will take 13 hours. I filled up my tank an hour ago before getting home. I had to buy a cooler and some ice. I purchased a ton of fruits and veggies. I cut them up and made three green smoothies, three berry smoothies, and three hearty salads.  I put them in mason jars; each smoothie was a quart. I put my salads in a wooden dish with a secure cover.  I also added a gallon of water to the cooler too. I made a Ziploc bag full of trail mix, and I made sure to add extra M&M's. The cooler was a perfect size, everything I made fit perfectly inside it.

My phone is fully charged, and I ensured my portable charger was juiced up too. I am very prepared. The time read 2:30 A.M. my mom and dad will be getting home 7 hours from now. So by that time, I will be halfway there. I turn to look at my room one more time. I sling my duffel bag onto my shoulder and grab my guitar. I switch off the lights and close the door.  I walk downstairs to the kitchen to grab my cooler, then to the front door.  I had to prop my guitar against the door's frame to open it. I managed to get the door open, then I grabbed my guitar and propped it up beside me to lean against the wall. I close the door and lock it with my key.

I grabbed my guitar and walked to my car. I put my guitar down and my cooler. I open the car door and lean over to unlock the back door.  I open the back door, and I place the guitar on the brown carpet below the seats. I gently threw my duffel bag onto the white leather seats, slammed the door, picked up my cooler, and got into the driver's seat.  I place the cooler on the passenger seat and then close the door. I put the key into the ignition and turned it in the direction it needed to turn the car on. The engine roared on; I shifted the gear into drive.

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