Teach Me To Pray

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Hello my loving readers and fans. I, Hope, am once again beginning to write another novel. "Great," you say. "Another novel that won't be finished." OH...but you are wrong, quite wrong. I am GOING to finish this novel. This isn't an adventure story with action and fighting. No, this is an adventure story about traveling the world to find yourself. I am also planning on entering this in the Watty Awards. I know that I was going to enter "The Tutti Fruity Series," but that novel is going to take some research. I am actually currently in the middle of the research, but I'm guessing the first chapter won't be up until I finish this novel, which I'm planning to have completed by the end of summer, at least before school starts. I WILL finish this novel. I promise you, so thank you for supporting me through this, and I hope you enjoy, "Teach Me To Pray."



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