Happy Birthday Big Boss! [ Chibi Panda/Saint Holy Sword Dragon ]

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Yeah... From now on, it will be following Buddyfight X
X in Japanese sounds like 'Batzz', meaning Batzz's name translates into X.
Just saying.


Batzz: Hey, kid. (Batzz calls Gao kid in the anime)
Gao: Hmm..? Batzz? What is it?
Batzz: Is the power of the Thunder Empire up to your liking? Is it strong enough?
Chibi Panda: Big Boss, are you doubting us from the Thunder Empire?
Batzz: No *shakes head*, it's just that...
Gao: It's amazing, Batzz! Overturn and all...
Chibi Panda: You don't seem happy, Gao...
Gao: Nah. It's cool! It has endless possibilities for it to evolve!
Batzz: Overturn, you mean?
Gao: *nods* Yeah!
Chibi Panda: They are acting awfully suspicious...
Gao: H-hey, Chibi Panda...
Chibi Panda: Yes, Gao?
Gao: C-c-can you go out with M-mom and Hana? They need your help at carrying groceries.
Chibi Panda: Would Big Boss need my assistance in anything?
Batzz: *thinks*
Gao: *nudges Batzz* Batzz!
Batzz: AhEm. No, ple-please help out the kid with his mom and sister.
Chibi Panda: Too weird...
Chibi Panda: If you say so, Big Boss!
Batzz: Yes, listen to me!
Chibi Panda: Gao Mama, Hana, Gao wants me to follow both of you with carrying groceries!
Gao's Mum: Yup, Hana, let's go!
Hanako: Yes mum!

At the super market...

Gao's Mum: Chibi Panda, stay here, okay?
Chibi Panda: *is scared of being alone* Y-yes, Gao's mama...
Hanako: Let's go, mum! *whispers to her mum*
Gao's Mum: Quick! *whispers back*

At ??? (place) with Hanako and Gao's Mum.....

Hanako: Which should we get...?
Gao's Mum: I already pre-ordered it beforehand and it is a specially made cake!
Cashier at ??? (place): Please take a look at it, if you dislike anything, please inform us!
Gao's Mum: Don't worry, it's amazing!

Cashier at ??? (place): Thank you for ordering from us!
Gao's Mum: Hana, you know the drill, right?
Hanako: Yup! Buy groceries and go home!
Gao's Mum: Make sure you take your time! *holds cake and heads the direction back to the Mikado household*

Back at the supermarket with Chibi Panda...

Chibi Panda: What are they doing..?
Hanako: Chibi Panda! Mum left first 'cause we bought something heavy! Let's buy the groceries first and then go home!
Chibi Panda: B-but... All the cashier queues are so long...
Hanako: It's okay, Mum said that we could take our time!

Back at the Mikado household...

Gao: Where's Mum..?
Gao's Mum: Gao!!! *runs through front door* Hurry up and prepare! I bought some decorations too!
Gao: Thanks Mum!


Batzz: Hmm... Why am I doing this..?
Gao: He is one of your-no, your most loyal subject!
Batzz: Yeah... He is really important to me...
Gao: Batzz! *tears form in his eyes*
Batzz: What?
Gao: I'm happy you both get along really well~

With Hanako and Chibi Panda...

Hanako: Chibi Panda, wait here, let me go in first. *opens the door, revealing a dark living room and shuts the door before Chibi Panda could enter*
Chibi Panda: Gaaahh!! Is this a sign they don't want me anymore..?
Chibi Panda: *opens the door* It's still da-Ahhh!!

Everyone but Chibi Panda: Surprise!! Happy Birthday, Chibi Panda!!
Chibi Panda: H-how did you know my birthday..?
Gao: Your dad told us!

Batzz: Today, only today, you get to be the Big Boss!

Chibi Panda: B-Big Boss..!
Batzz: It's Batzz, B-Big Boss...

Chibi Panda: T-thank you, everyone!


Sorry for not updating in so long Im not active and Im so lazy.

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