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Have any of you heard about John Locke?

Don't know who he is? Look it up. Short version of the story: famous philosopher guy.

He talks about how life would be if we could do whatever the heck we wanted to do.

Sounds tempting doesn't it?

Think again.

It would be chaos. People would be scared, but would do WHATEVER is necessary to survive.

Correct me if I'm wrong.

Think about it. Look yourself in the mirror and say: that's not true. I would put other people's lives in front of me.

And if that's true and you believe that, well congratulations, you're a freaking saint.

Now to those of us who are normal, lemme ask you one question: What would YOUR priorities be if a crazy world?

And yes, crazier than the one we have today

If you haven't gotten the whole concept of a state of nature through your mind, let me try to rephrase that.

A state of nature would be chaos. People wouldn't work. That amounts to: no education, no food, no electricity, no NOTHING. People would fight for their lives and you would never be under security. Sounds appealing right?

Back to my question: What would your priorities be?

Mine would be:
1. Stay alive and protect myself.
2. Protect those I care about.

That seems about accurate.

If that sounds sad or even cruel to you, I'm sorry but I'm being honest.

Humanity is a hell of a b*tch. Doesn't take a genius to figure that out.

Welcome to today's topic guys: Humanity.

-We think too much and feel too little
More than machinery,
We need Humanity
More than cleverness
We need kindness and gentleness...

What are you thoughts about this?

When I read this, one thought comes to mind:

I dare you to disagree.

Look around. Look at today's world. It's full of cruelness, hate, and war. But it's also full of promise.

For every bad person, 5 good rise up against them.

And no, I don't mean the mean girl in your class who thinks she's better than anyone else and treats everyone like trash (though don't get me wrong, I hate those too) I mean terrorists, colder blooded murders... it's horrible, day after day, we hear about their newest attack.

But is true. Even though good people may not necessarily "rise up" against the bad, there's way more good people than there is bad.

It's because of this simple fact that we can't lose faith in humanity.

Humanity is like an ocean: if a few drops of the ocean get dirty, the ocean does not become dirty.
-Mahatma Gandhi

Because as much as humanity is selfish and arrogant and cruel, it's also filled with happiness and laughter. But we can't just generalize 7 billion people on Earth into one category. For Christ's sake, we can't even generalize 1 person into a single category.

A person isn't black or white. A person is black AND white. To heck with that, a person is black, white, gray, red, blue, purple, yellow, orange... it doesn't end.

A person is everything.

And that's only one person?!

That's NADA. As in absolutely NADA compared to the 7 billion people out there.

Scary huh?

You might not give a sh*t. You might think it's useless to think about this. But it's extraordinary to me. The complexity of life, of people, of our world. It doesn't end.

Without complexity there's no intensity.

And heck yeah, our world is intense.

But I don't think there's a single person who is pure.

I don't think there's a single person who's truly evil.

But then again, who am I to say?

The horrors humanity has created might've achieved the impossible. It might be able to turn a person into what-one-calls: evil.

But NO ONE is born black or white.
I know that for a fact. Our experiences make us who we are. But another thing we often forget is:

We decide who we are.

It's as simple as that. No one else decides. YOU are the only one who truly holds your fate in your hands.

Once and for all, let that go through.

It took me a long to learn this; save yourself the trouble.

Just because humanity is a b*tch, doesn't mean we have to be too.

We should be kind to people, show sympathy, and grant forgiveness.

Just think about how much better our lives would be.


It's the best advice you'll ever hear from me.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 21, 2018 ⏰

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