My eveything

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There is this girl, she was amazing. She had my heart, or I thought so. We dated off and on though out about 3 years. She was my true love, so much so that I would not date anybody else when we weren't together. I was committed to her, she was my one and only. I genuinely loved her, I loved her so much.  I remember a couple years ago, we were so happy that we would face time so much that I couldn't take a shower. Then this other guy got into our relationship so we broke up. I was devastated, I was so sad. But some of my friends got me through it. Fast forward, we get back together
. We were happy; or at least I was happy. I was in love, but she didn't feel the same I guess.  We break up a couple of weeks later. That summer goes by fast. I go to California to a leadership camp. In the middle of camp I receive a text from her saying she still likes me. I was full of joy and love. We talked until October 2017, until I finally ask her out. I was the happiest I've been in a long time. We would go eat together for the out of town football games. I would have a lot of fun with her, but I guess she didn't feel the same way. After one particular football game, everything fell apart. I would try to text her and there would be no answer. I was genuinely super worried about her. I reached out to some of my friends to see if they had any knowledge of her. They all said she was acting normal around them. That's when I knew I did something wrong. I call, text and ask her what I did. She wouldn't tell me, she would just ignore me. All I could envision was her asking me to talk to her after school. Usually she says she wants to talk to me after school when she wants to break up. I was trying everything I could to try to fix this. November 13  was the day. We where headed to lunch and we stop by her sisters locker. Her sister asked "why are you ignoring your boyfriend?"  She responded with a few moments of silence the said, " I need to go to the band hall." And walked off with out making any communication with me. No words, eye contact, nothing. I said, "ok.."Her sister turned around a yelled, " that was a dick move."  After that we want to lunch, I usually sit with my girlfriend and her sister.
But not anymore because around 6th period she texted me for the first time in two days. She said we need to talk after school. I knew exactly what that meant, so the next two periods I worry my self sick. I prepare for the worst, and it is driving me crazy. She is all I care about, I loved her so much. She meant so much to me, she was my everything. But after school that day she said that she didn't feel a connection. And that we should just go back to being friends. I was devastated, for each word that came out of her mouth broke me piece by piece. I really didn't want to leave her, but I did the right thing. I respected her decision, even though it broke my heart. Now I've lost the love of my life, and  people to eat lunch with.

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