Chapter 1

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I woke up, launching forward in my bed. My older sister Junee, is beside me in our bed still sleeping. I yawn and get out of bed. I walk down the hall and check on my little sister Fiera, lucky she's only 9, she doesn't have to be reaped for another 3 years. I force myself in to a shower and wash my hair. I don't want to do this, because I'm from district 2 I'm meant to like these games, if I get picked I need to show them I want to be there, that I want to end people's lives, that I want to win. I get out and wrap my hair up in a towel and dry myself off. I walk down to my room and I see Junee sitting up in bed, her brown hair messy and tangled. 'Your up early C chops' she says, half yawning. I smile ' Couldn't sleep' as I pull out my red reaping dress from the closet. 'That's a nice one' Junee says, pointing to my dress. 'It was Moms' i respond, looking at the dress as my mind is flooded with memories of my mother.

Her name was Holly. She looked like me, freckles, brown eyes and brown hair. She always used to tell me 'No matter what you do Clove, I will support you'

'Forever?' I used to ask

'Forever and always' she'd say

I come back to reality, the word 'always' echoing in my ears. 'I'll get Fi up' Junee says before leaving the room. I shut the door to get changed.

Once I am done I'm greeted by Fi hugging me 'Clove!!' She chimes. 'Hey Bub!' I chuckle, ' ready for breakfast? Junee is making pancakes!!' Fi sqeals and runs to the kitchen. I stand there in the hall way smiling at my sisters talking in the kitchen. I walk down, hair still wet and no shoes on. I sit down at the breakfast bar with Fi talking to Junee about the reaping today. Junee is 17, 2 years older than me. 'Junes?' Asks Fi, 'where's daddy?' I see Junee at the stove, facing away from us, her head moves straight, looking at the back splash. 'He's in district 7.' Junee says sadly, 'he's not coming back.' Yet again I'm reminded of my mother, she was calling out to Dad to come back, I heard the door slam and my mother sobbing. The next day I found her dead from a non accidental morphling overdose. I shake my head as I am presented with pancakes in front of me. 'Thank you' I say to Junee, and I eat my breakfast.

Junee offers to do my hair and I kindly accept. She does my hair in braided top knots on top of my head, they look beautiful, I see her start to cry, as she is putting away the hair stuff in the bathroom drawer. 'You ok?' I ask her, she nods ' You look like Mom.' I pull her into a hug, she smells like honey. 'Promise you won't volunteer if I get picked?' She says softly. I pull away, ' same here' I tell her.

I walk with Fi's hand in mine. I see the hall of justice in front of me, and the table where peacekeepers pierce our fingers to check that we aren't over age. I stop and tell Fi, who looks so cute in her yellow dress, to wait with our neighbor, Mrs Nini. She does so and myself and Junes get in line. 'Next' the peacekeeper calls. I hold out my finger and wince when she pricks it. 'You can go' she barks. I walk to the 15 year old section of the square. After about 2 minutes a lady walks on stage and says 'Welcome one and all, for the reaping of district 2 for the 74th hunger games!! As always, ladies first!' I take a deep breath and close my eyes, praying to Mom that it's not me. The woman coughs and says in to the microphone ' The female tribute from district 2 is Clove Kentwell!!!' I hear silence, no volunteers, but they all look at me like I'm meat. I can't believe it. I'm going to die


I walk up on stage, with the crazy looking woman dressed in hot pink. She takes the mic off the stand and says 'any volunteers??' I search for Junee, the only person on my mind other than Fi at the moment. She looks at me, tears in her eyes. I see her about to volenteer for me but I shake my head. 'And now for the men.' She walks over to the bowl and has a pice of paper in her hands. 'The male tribute from district 2 is Hemus Jurudian!' I hear a loud voice shout ' I VOLUNTEER' and the path moves to reveal a boy who has sandy hair and looks about 18 walk on stage. The lady asks the boy what his name was and he responds with 'I'm Cato Hadley, and I came here to WIN!!!' Cheering stupas from the crowd. I look at him and he winks at me and I look to the ground. 'Shake hands you two!' I shake hands with Cato, his hand crushes mine as I look at him coldly. 'Ladies and Gents, your tributes Cato Hadley and Clove Kentwell!!' And before I know it I am ushered off stage

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