Chapter 7

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~Anti's pov~

Dark comes over to me and whispers.

Dark: Anti, stay away from the other one of your body will be my 'play' thing

I shiver at the thought of that and nod to him, he backs away and puts his arm around the other one.

Dark: Tsuki, this is Anti as you heard and Anti, this is my wife, Tsuki or her bad personality known as.....

Shi: Yo, I'm Shi, hey babe!

Dark: Hey

Me: Oh uh hi?

Shi: You can come out (b/s/n) (Bad side name) 

(b/s/n): Hey!

Shi: Welcome back!

Shi glops (b/s/n) in a giant hug nearly making them fall.

 ~Time skip at home, (b/s/n) pov~

Me, Anti, Shi, and Dark are home with Aki (Lomhara's dark side) and Fola, we head to our rooms to get changed into our original clothing instead of these horrible clothing our 'good sides' wear.

Me, Anti, Shi, and Dark are home with Aki (Lomhara's dark side) and Fola, we head to our rooms to get changed into our original clothing instead of these horrible clothing our 'good sides' wear

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(Pick which outfit you chose and tell me in the comments)

I smile at my outfit and walk out to see Aki in an awesome outfit. (Below)

With Dark and Anti in their usual outfits and I hear Shi's footsteps come to us and see what she is wearing

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With Dark and Anti in their usual outfits and I hear Shi's footsteps come to us and see what she is wearing. (Below)

(Without the glasses and bag)

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(Without the glasses and bag)

Me: Nice outfits, hey Shi?

Shi: Yea?

Me: Makeup, please?

Shi smiles and drags me and Aki back into the room and pulls out my makeup kit and at the end, our makeup looks like..........

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