ch -8

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Hell is the place where I am right now.

I shouldn't have used my filthy brain. That idea of talking to Nancy was almost stupid.

You have no escape Ema .

I opened the passenger door of his black beauty to get in when I heard his voice calling after me.

"You can sit in front."

"No thanks."

"I am fine with it ."

I thought he is going to argue but not a single word.

The ride was silent which was killing me. What's with me.
Its normal , I guess .

I hopped off from his black beauty when we reached our house. Just as I was moving few inch from his black beauty he called my name.


I turned back in utter joy or disbelief whatever it was , I turned back with gleaming eyes.


"Don't be sad for Nancy , I will take care of her."
And "don't bother yourself with owing thing , I will talk about it later. But one thing I want you to remember ".

" hmmm"

"You still owe me ."

Is he serious. At this time he got the nerves to tell me that I owe him for the duty which he is ought to perform. Can't he just leave and make use of himself.

"No , Aarau we will talk about it now. And lemme clear my self I am not going to be your bedwarmer . " I said in most calming voice shocking myself alone.

"There would be consequences."

This is the only thing left to say .

"Do whatever you want to do , it won't surprise me cause you are a jerk ."

At the release of my most terrible words I felt a little bit  relaxing myself.

"You want to see what can I do , right  . " he told these words coming closer to me  and I flinched at his nearness.

No absolutely not.

He is not going to hurt me or is he. No he can't in fact he  was the one who saved me  that night.

"Lemme show you then"

He grabbed my waist harshly and  threw me on his shoulder.

"Hey , wait "

"Stop it , Aarau"

"What are you doing ? "

"Put me down , right now"

"Please , Aarau . I am scared of heights ."
Are you serious Ema . of all the things you have to say this.

I screamed for my good life .
I felt his grip loosened a bit for a moment but again  tightened his grip.

"Where are you taking me Aarau?"

I asked in hope of getting answer but of no avail.

"Please, put me down ."

As if he is not listening he carried me to his car and opened its back seat  door.  after throwing me into his car like a rag doll he adjusted himself on the driver's seat and started the car.

Does he think he can take me anywhere with this attitude of him. Then I think he is right .

I was unable to question him or scream at him.
I just kept silent ,of course  the unusual me.

Ema , shout for help . what you want stupid. Is he psycho .
Yeah he is of course.

I put all of my efforts to straighten me up.

"Hey , will you please stop."

"Are you hearing me ."  I shouted in his ear loud enough to let him halt the car at sudden and I jerked to him , crashing my lips and face to his rough  shoulder.

"Are you crazy ."he shouted at me like we hit something or someone.

"I am sorry . I didn't meant to scare you . "

A sudden awkward  silence surrounded us.

It Started With Being A BedwarmerWhere stories live. Discover now