Alex and I Make the Journey to Hogwarts

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Split Life of the Golden Fleece - Alisa Brown ( alisab1234 )

You were my best friend, even if I did transfer to another school eventually. You were a good friend both in life and my book.

Chapter 1

It was almost lights out. Percy, Annabeth, Grover, and Grazer were there to see Alex and I off. Percy had a pained expression. Which was understandable after how Luke betrayed us. Two pegasi swooped down to us. I climbed on one and Alex scrambled up the other. I waved good bye. Annabeth tried to give me a hug. Our pegasi toke off.

The ocean was smooth and the perfect shade of sea green in the horizon. As was flew over Camp Half-Blood campers waved at us and satyrs stared up at us. Alex sighed and closed her eyes. When camp was out of sight it hit me. Just about a month and 1/2 ago Luke was next to me as my boyfriend and Brianna was on my outer side, alive. Tears began to slide down my cheek. My vision clouded and my body racked with sobs. My vision faded to black as I passed out. (I was going to end there but it would make the chapter too short.).

I woke up. The sky had clouds starting to gather. The ocean was beginning to turn chopped up with waves. Land was nowhere in sight. The water had turned to an angry navy blue. The sun was trying to rise behind some clouds. Alex was reading from a book she had in her pack. I hadn't bothered with bags and instead had used a bag charm on my bracelet to put my stuff in. I had given my enchanted backpack to Alex.

I stared out into the horizon. The sky was trying to brighten but was darkening because of the up coming storm. Alex looked up at the sound of thunder. She glanced at me. She looked really tired.

"Alex you should get some rest. You look ready to pass out." She sighed and put her book away. The storm seamed to part for us.


The photo above (or somewhere on this part) is Alex(but the hair is bad, it didn't have hers).

The photo above (or somewhere on this part) is Alex(but the hair is bad, it didn't have hers)

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*BAM* wut

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