Chapter 42

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Yooo I'm so curious to know what my boss wanna talk about. I mean he already said that he going fire me.

I got the message loud and clear what else he need ??

I breathe out. My heart was heavy cause i'm scared and i dont know what to do next.

"Okay God, you in this with me right? Where we going after this ? Whats next?"

"I know selling aint the legal way so we not touching those grounds again. I lost my job , so what do we do now"

"Yeah yeah the only reason I'm trusting you is because you already know whats about to happen"

"And because I'm your child that mean is going be for my good. But it dont change the fact that I'm scared."
I breathed out and passed a hand on my face.

"I just wanna make sure my family straight. Im trying man. Its not easy getting a legal job around hea' you gotta help me cause I need you"

I regulated my breathing. I just wanted to get it over with. I pulled into the parking lot. I head straight up to his office and knocked waiting patiently for him to tell me to come in.

"Aaah August just the man i wanted to see, have a seat" he gestured at the chair for me to sit. So I did.

"Now i think you're wondering why did he call me here or better yet why did he fire me ?" He pretended to think.

"Listen man I aint got time for jokes , if this aint serious lemme know I got mouths to feed and a new job to look for thanks to you "

He nodded his head " I understa-"

I shook my head cutting him off real quick. "Nah , you dont . You dont know what its like to be living on the streets man. You dont know what its like not knowing when ya next meal coming in for the day. You aint knkw how it feel to lose a brother in the streets, I'm out here for once tryna do the right thing because i feel like things are getting better but you shut me down man.. and now again i dont know what i'mma do next " I ranted off.

For some reason he just pissed me off. The fact that he fired me , I'm just scared we gone go right back to square one.

"August , the reason I fired you was because you were snooping through some producers laptop and stealing beats and using em" he looked at me with a serious face.

"That aint tolerated here , that producer wants you to pay him back" he stood straight with his hands in his pocket. What the hell!
"How I'm going pay him back ion got no job ?!"

"Well..-" he was cutt off when Dj Khaled walked in. "How about you work for me then? You may have stolen my beats man but you made hits outta em too. I'd love to produce music for you. What do you say man?"

I'm still stuck at the fact that this man walked in here.
I'm still registering that he wants to sign me to his label.

My good God . This is what you had plan. Hell! He should've fired me months ago!

"How much I'm getting paid a month?" They all started laughing.

He wrapped my arm around my shoulder "We'll talk about that when we signin contracts"

"But I'm getting paid enough to handle my family right?" As we both started walking away to where ever he was leading me.

"More than enough to last you till you have grandkids" He joked. Well damn.

You aint lemme know you was gone surprise me like this God .

You could've just told me .

Wouldnt have been a surprise if i did.

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