part 6

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I had a loving family and he probably had a girlfriend too. I drank up the last in my coffee mug and wrote a few more words on the laptop. I was done with my work. I sighed and closed the laptop. "You're leaving?" He asked. I was still trapped and he didn't move back his legs. "Uh- Y-yeah. I'm done with my work and I should probably go home and rest up." I said. He looked at me a bit dissapointed. I was a bit dissapointed in myself too... I didn't want to leave but I didn't feel like I could stay longer. I stood up and waited a second so he could move away his legs but he didn't. I stepped over them to get out. I sighed a bit as I packed down my stuff. "Wanna go out for a coffee tomorrow too?" He asked... his voice calm, almost manipulating. I blushed. Damn it. "Y-yeah sure, I'd like that. I'm free from work for the next three days." He smiled at me... or smirking, rather Devilishly. He gave me a nod "Cool... may I have your mobile number? So I can send you a message." Omg Aki- Calm down. I blushed loudly and nodded.. i Wrote it down on a peace of paper, gave it to him and then quickly turned. "See ya-". I almost ran home. My insides bloomed and i felt as if I was gonna throw up flowers. I closed the door and sighed. I put down my bag on the kitchen table and.... i started crying. I was a shitty husband. I had a man and a daughter but I've fallen in love with a man who I've just met. He probably likes girls. He couldn't have mistaken me for one, could he? I held my face, crying for a while. I felt happy that I made a friend today though.

I sat at home for the rest of the day. I chilled and checked my phone every 5th minute. The clock turned three and tI could feel how my phone suddenly vibrated in my pocket. I got scared a first so it took a whole minute for me to pick up the phone and look at the message. "Hey, have you gotten lunch yet? I know it's a bit late so you probably have. I was just wondering if you wanted to grabb a burger together." I started sweating like crazy. I trembled and bit at my nails. I blushed and added him as a contact. I felt like a fucking anime school girl who had an awkward crush on the boy in the class above them. Exept... we're both boys, i'm 24 and I have no idea how old he is but god. He seems so nice even though he have this cold look and dark aoura around him. I sighed happily as I day dreamed. I then anwered with my shaky fingers: "I haven't so why not. ^^ now?" I already knew where so i didn't ask. We only had one burger place in this town. The clock was three and it's a friday so Dante will come home with Margaret in an hour. I'll be fine. It wasn't like I was cheating on him or anything.

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