This is the last song. The book isn't over I just ran out and no one is suggesting so.....yeah. Have fun.
Compare our lives.
I'm under a tree with a beer.
I collect bee hives.
And I hunt deer.You are in city house.
Hearing cars.
You don't worry about a mouse.
You get a beer and go to bars.Compare our time.
Just try to compare.
Our lives are a lime.
Sweet and sour and you had to prepare.Why did you leave the fire and field?
You left without a word.
A beer is what you wield.
What I hold is a sword.I'm in the county.
You are in the city.
I have no bounty.
You have a pity.I play this guitar in my hand.
You play music on a phone.
I play songs with a band.
You take things like honey from a cone.I'm in the county with big dreams.
You're in the city with small hopes.
I'm making my life through seams.
I'm free from concrete and ropes.You are free from hunting deer.
You are free from being trees.
You have small cups of beer.
You have little to no bees.Compare our lives.
Aren't they any more apart?
I hunt with knives.
You cook with them from the start.Just compare our lives.
Friends and me in a band.
You and friends have husbands and wives.
They don't really go hand in hand.My family is on a farm.
Mine has more than one tier.
Free from most harm.
As I'm now on the pier.You live in an apartment block.
Yours has one tier.
The only birds are pigeons in a flock.
As your place doesn't have a pier.Your life is built on mine.
Your friends are always lying.
I wish I was fine.
But for you that word means crying.Please just compare.
They are not the same.
As you prepare.
As I get the pet I tame.You begin to pack.
Moving back to your old place.
Trying not to slack.
As I have to make space.We compare the different things.
But never the same.
As you want to see birds and have stings.
I greet you when you came.Our life was the same when we compare.
It was hiding deep down.
We never really thought to care.
When you come back to the county town.We drink beer.
We both have fun.
We cook deer.
And we have a sun.Compare our self.
They were the same all along.
We out dishes in a shelf.
We make fires and play songs.We cook up pork.
As we save my deer.
I test the food with a fork.
And we drink beer.Compare our lives.
So similar yet good.
We cut the pork with knives.
And we fuel a fire with wood.Compare our life.
Our amazing time.
I put down my knife.
And put a sour thing called a lime.