Tomi's Playday

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Mom wakes Tomi in the morning;
And dresses him for play.

He sees the bright sun shining;
It's a very pretty day.

Tomi sits quite still for breakfast;
While peeking at the door.

And soon his plate is cleaned up;
"Oh, yay, I don't want more".

It's time to play with Lili,
Who waves while smiling still.

They go to play together,
Oh, what a pair they are.

They play until forever,
And still do not get tired.

"Do we have to go now mommy?"
"Let's stay some more"-said Tomi.

"Lili, bye, I'll see you soon".
"Bye Tomi, I hope so too".

"And now, it's time for bed"-Mom said;
"Sleep sweetly Tomi dearie".

"First now, look towards the sky,
Tell me what you see".

"I know, I see a bright little star,
Looking down at me!"

Tomi's PlaydayWhere stories live. Discover now