Who AM I?

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"Heaven, if you sent us down

So we can build a playground

For the sinners to play as saints

You'd be so proud of what we've made"

Water it surrounded... swallowed me whole until all I could see was the light above its dark waves. How did I get here? Air bubbles filled my vision as I became lost in the freezing water. It's so deep... Water burned my throat, as I sunk. My arms and legs would not move as my brain fought and begged them to swim. The light blurred, and my eyes closed, I couldn't hold them open any longer the water burning my eyes. A sudden jerk on my sleeve forced them open, a blurry object had grabbed my jacket. Then I saw her. She was like an angel sent from heaven. Opposite of me, a girl with long blonde hair and grey-blue eyes. She yanked me close to herself, and we both started to rise. I looked at her, her hair floating as she struggled upward. Then I became one with the darkness....

"My Lady!!!" My eyes were heavy, but I could still hear the frantic yelling of a woman. I was drenching wet but quickly drying. I could remember the car crash, my mom's scream was still fresh in memory. The bright lights of the truck that sent us flying. I could feel my mind drifting. "My Lady!!" I felt a heavy weight slam against my chest, and a burning sensation filled my throat. I shot up of the ground as water spilled from my lips onto grass, I coughed and hacked. My eyes squeezed shut with each cough, a heavy hand slammed into my back, "My Lady!!" Another smack, made me cough even harder. One more smack, made my skin burn. "What are you doing?!!" I screamed, attempting to rub the spot, I opened my eyes to see a light-skinned girl with dark black hair. She looked at me with concern, as she held my shoulders. "I'm trying to help my lady!" She smacked my back again, as she started to swing again. I quickly grabbed her wrist mid-smack. "No, you're not helping!!" I threw her hand away, "You're going to beat a hole in my back!!" Black came into my vision, and I watched as a man suddenly kneeled in front of me, he was drenched with water. He was very old from what I could tell, "My Lady... I apologize... I could've rescued you sooner and would have revived you if it was not for..." He indirectly indicated my breast. I was wearing a brown cloth, and it hung open revealing I wore nothing but a white nightgown.

I quickly secured the brown blanket like thing, I wasn't wearing underwear. "I'm sorry! My lady" The girl was on her knees, she bowed her head almost touching the dirt. Her position made me feel uncomfortable. I patted her back, "It's okay..." I looked around, my car was nowhere to be seen, and the highway wasn't visible either. Where I am? Where's my mom? "My Lady, I will go get help you and your servant may remain here." Servant? He ran off into the wood with amazing agility before I could question him, he must not be that old. "Um.. Yea.. You do that..." My head churned, this made no sense. "My lady..." The girl waved her hand in front of my eyes,

"My lady?" I replied, then I laughed loudly. The girl stared at me, looking concerned. "I am not a lady, I more of a tomboy..."

"But... You are a lady, you're the daughter of the king..." She replied

I laughed again, "A king... That's a good joke... It doesn't make sense but..." I started to stand when I looked around, we stood in the middle of nowhere. A forest of green, spread out for miles a large lake was behind us. "I'll help you my lady..."

I gripped her hand, and she yanked me up with astonishing strength for her small size, she immediately tried to dust off my skirt but I grabbed her hands. "Where am I?"

Her voice was full of concern, "We are on the road to Ogurus..." She watched my face drop, "Ogurus..." I asked. "Where is that? Where's my mom? Where is the highway!?"

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 16, 2017 ⏰

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