Facts about DraconiteDragon

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1. Possible age is 19 or 20

2. Speed Artist

3. A good photographer for food

4. Modder

5. Favorite food is Ramen and Sushi

6. Favorite animal is a Loris

7. Likes K-pop

8. Chooses K-pop over J-pop

9. Chooses Vanilla over Chocolate

10: Chooses cat over dog (but could probably like both this was in a vid)

11. Chooses light over dark (He said it's scary)

12. Chooses Green over Pink

13. Chooses Blue over Yellow

14. Chooses manga over anime

15. Chooses Harry Potter over Twilight (He said he binge watch Harry Potter)

16. 50 percent chance of being Asian 50 percent chance of not

17. There's a possibility that Draco can play an instrument or know how to play a little bit of it

18. Born on May 12

Here's a bonus and a funny one

When Draco went to band camp he wanted the top bunk but someone else called it. When it was night Draco was sleep walking and he climbed the ladder or went to the top bunk. The kid on the top bunk woke up and got scared and punched or slapped Draco in the face Draco woke up and wondered what he was doing and went back to the bottom to sleep. (True story if you watched the 10 hour charity stream when they were playing big brother you would know)

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