An Unforgotten Past

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I was at war along with my brother Victor Creed. Cleaning up his messes every era of war.  civil war,  world war ,  world war II,  you name it.  But,  there was the war of viet kong when Victor tried to rape a young adult woman inside a hut,  as me and the rest was scouting the area. One of our superior officers caught Victor in the act and myself forced to look out for Victor... Again

Once we were arrested,  me and Victor was sentenced to a firing squad. As we are tied to a pole limb from limb they shot us multiple times. 
Then we were dragged to a rat infested cell but, after three days a man named William Stryker.  He promised us freedom if we sign up for his personal army so we agreed. 

I made a mistake....

              To Be continued...

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