A Cake Challenge for You!

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So, Stampy went to bed and had a dream. It was a lucid dream, wherein he can do whatever he wants.

First he made the largest Cake Bakery in the world. And inside were cake elves making cake.

A customer said, I would like to order a large cake with the letter O, then stampy asked an elf to do it.

Ad another fan ordered a cake with a letter L, then Stampy made it himself.

An elf recieved a call from an alien ordering a cake with a letter E.

And Squid the manager recieved a call from an mermaid wanting a cale with the letter V.

What are the customers and guests trying to spell if stampy?

Clue: ____ is an open door

First Correct answer, wins and receive a shout out in the next chapter.

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