Orilyse captivated thousands of survivors in the paw of an untouched secret society. Despite this, year 2088 brought great distress to planet Earth. The ‘Secret society’ was eliminated – except one or two. Now, Orilyse is left to the various pyromaniacs and arsonists of space – The Humans. Ruthless, all of them. They manipulate and destroy most in their path. They say back in the days, around year 2000, humans were part of this ‘Secret society’. Only recently did our people find out about this society, and that it had been controlling our lives for centuries – and more. We were simply test subjects. The war of the darmitarians has inflicted on the lives of all those wish to live in this universe. The borders have been locked. No one is getting in – Or out. They say there is a world waiting for you when you die, I don’t know if it is true, but there is still hope.
LCR Patricia Goodwigg
Time: 00:07
Location: West ‘United kingdom #2’
Date – 02/05/2125
Orylise - The Unforgiven
Science FictionA little science fiction based story based around compromise and what effectively goes on behind closed doors. (It is a fiction) Copyrighted by Lewisperson8