Love Never Dies

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Author's Note: So this little piece of work is something I found while cleaning the drawers of my desk. Originally I wrote this because I was trying to show my friend that I could write some form of romance. It did turn out a little depressing so you have been warned. Read at your own risk I guess lol.

Her black, flowing dress was a sharp contrast to the red and white pattern that colored the room. It was his two favorite colors.

  ' He would have loved this...', she thought as tears began to fill her eyes, threatening to spill over for what must have been the hundreth time today.

She looked towards the back of the small room at a dark colored wood casket. In it lie the one man who had ever made her happy. Hesitantly, she forced herself to walk over to the casket and look in. The sharp intake of breath that followed after looking into the casket was the only thing keeping her from letting out a sob that would lead to her crying once more. She couldn't handle that; if she fell to her knees crying there would be no one there to pick her up this time. She held on to the side of the casket in an attempt the steady herself. As she looked at his face, despite the fact that his eyes were closed and would never reopen, she could still imagine those beautiful, crystal blue eyes.

                                                                   -- October 19th, 1937--

 She swore she had never seen a more beautiful pair of eyes than his. They were the most wonderful shade of blue, a crystal-like blue that could be seen for miles. She shook her head slightly in an attempt to focus on what he was saying.

    "...It really is a beautiful place, you should see it. You would love it," he finished, looking at her expectantly.

    " yeah, it does sound, where is this again?" she asked slowly, desperately trying to remember what he had said.

    He smiled and chuckled. "You really are quite clueless, you know?"

She smiled and nodded, blushing as he pushed back a strand of loose hair.

    "Oh well, I love you all the same," he said kissing her on the cheek. She blushed even more as he pulled her to the ground , holding her in his arms as they watched the clouds in the sky pass by. "It's beautiful isn't it? Makes life worth living sometimes...For the longest time, nature was what kept me happy, what kept me i have something much more beautiful and worthwhile."

 He turned his head to look at her, his crystal blue eyes reflecting all of the love and admiration he had for her. She was speechless. She smiled and snuggled closer, basking in the feel of the moment.

                                                                           - - - -

She closed her eyes, a stray tear running down her cheek. Even though she hadn't seen that look in his eyes in the longest time, she could still imagine it so clearly that it hurt. She opened her eyes again and took ahold of his ice-cold hand. She held onto it for dear life like she had so many times before.

                                                         -- December 2nd, 1943 --

The big band began blaring a rendition of Benny Goodman's SIng, Sing, Sing as she held onto his hand, dnacing and laughing as he made futile attempts at swing dancing. The song came to an end and began playing "Laura."

    "Hey kid, it's your song," he whispered playfully into her ear. The song and her shared a name.

She met his eyes as he pulled her closer and began to slow dance with her. Their hands clasped together, bodies so close to each other that they could feel the heat raidation between them. She looked up into his eys again as the music began to swell in volume, very close to the climax of the song. He leaned down and their lips met as the song came to it's conclusion. They were one. They pulled back a little to look at each other.

     " I love you," her murmured to her, smiling.

     " I love you too," she said breathlessly, her smile radiating the love and joy that she felt inside.

Another song began as they kissed once more and walked out of the dance hall, hands still connected.

                                                                            - - - -

She choked out a sob as she tried to push away the memory. The room was now empty making the silence near deafening.

     "Oh baby... oh why'd you leave me? Please come back. I never meant what I had said. I love you!" She collapsed to the floor crying. As she took a deep, shaky breath, one last memory came to mind.

                                                            -- April 30th, 1944 --

He collapsed on top of her breathing heavily, pupils dilated from the rush of adreniline pumping through him. They knew that what they had done was frowned upon in society but they could careless. All that mattered right now was this moment. 

Catching his breath again, he looked across the pillow at her. "I love you so much, sweetheart," he said endearingly, using her favorite pet name. He leaned over and kissed her on the forehead. 

    " I love you too honey," she said as she entertwined her right hand with his left. They sat there in silence for what seemed like eternity, just enjoying each others presence.

He looked over to her and then away. After a moment of recollection, he looked back at her again. "Marry me, Laura."

   "What?" She looked over at him astonished.

    "You heard me: Marry me. I love you. Everytime I look at you, I fall more and more in love with you. You are my everything. I want you by my side. Marry me."

She didn't know what to say. After a moment she smiled and whispered yes, happy with her decision. He leaned over and kissed her, whispering words of endearment ito her.

                                                                                - - - -

She sobbed on the floor for a long time. As she started to calm down, she pulled herself up and looked down at her dead lover. Her partner in crime. Her best friend. She knew that things were going to be different from now on but she would just have to live with it. As she began to think more clearly, she realized that she had had 50 wonderful years with him. As she thought more about it, she realized that she wouldn't be alone, he would always be in her heart. She moved away from the casket and prepared to walk away, to start a new chapter of her life. She moved to hold his hand one last time and looked down at him with no sorrow on her face, only a somber look of recollection.

   " I love you Henry. I love you more than you'll ever know...wait for me, please? I promise that I won't be far behind."

     Remember Laura, I'll always love you.

His words of endearment ran on repeat through her head as she made her away across the room to the dorr. She looked back one more time before opening the door and leaving.

   "I'll always love you Henry, always and forever..."

---Love Never Dies---

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⏰ Last updated: May 11, 2014 ⏰

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