the body guard

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Luna's pov
Mako! Where are you!? She's always gone when there is  something important! *sighs* i was asleep for like hours when i woke up to yelling, mako? I walked downstairs of the castle and saw that my brother was yelling at the t.v.!? *roles eyes* your way to into twilight. No ones ever way to into twilight!!! *glares* *then he starts to cry* i swear the only time ive cried was when i watched stranger things! Seriously!

Max's pov
Ok so i woke one morning cus i wanted to watch the season of supernatural right? Well when i went to sneak down to the downstairs living room i heard snoring not knowing who or what it was! Sorry it was just that moment i freaked out cus i didnt want to get caught! I relized it was just loud snoring from luna, so i kept going than sat on the chair and watched the new season than after i didnt know what to watch next so i saw twilight on netflix hmm....*turns on twilight* this is stupid! (Hours later) "noooo this cant be!!" then i heared my sis running down stairs. Dude its like she has superpowers i was like woooah ok! Then she started saying stuff like "oh its just a show! Blah blah blah" and what not. Then i fell asleep thinking "dogs...can dogs fly?" *laughs in sleep*

King bob
Ok so this is wierd but lets just say that i saw my dog buddy flying out the window i was confused "whhoooooah did i drink to much coffee?" relizing that i walked inside not wanting to wake up the grizzly (my wife) i saw max laughing asleep on the couch. I was like "i dont want to know". Then i carried on my day you know the normal do this do that stuff.

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