New Girl

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(y/n)=your name
(l/n)=last name
(h/c)=hair color
(h/t)=hair type

You were sleeping comfortably in your soft fluffy bed sheets, snoring softly as the morning sun slowly crept in through your curtains. Suddenly your door opened and your mother came in "(Y/N) get ready for school okay hun?" she left leaving your door open and turned on your bedroom light on purpose, groaning you reluctantly got up out of bed and dragged yourself over to your dresser getting out some socks and underwear, then proceeding to trudge your way towards your closet you open it up and start rummaging around for what to wear. Throwing the clothes you selected for the day you get your underwear and towel heading towards the bathroom to take a shower.
You and your parents had just moved to Seattle Washington a few days ago so everything was unpacked and put into place, well most of the things, a few unimportant things were still in boxes, things like candles, some house plants, books, movies, etc.
Taking a quick shower you quickly dried your body and hair. Being the lazy person you are you just threw your (h/c) (h/t) into a cute messy bun with some of your baby hairs sticking out from the sides near your ears, the nape of your neck and a few strands on the front of your face.
You put on some mascara to push up and darken your beautiful lashes while adding some lip gloss to your soft, slightly chapped, lips.
Adding a natural pink tint to your lips and a nice glossy touch you were good. Slipping on your underwear and bra you went back to your room to get dressed.
Lazy but Flawless.
That was your goal for today.
It may be the first day of school but you didn't give a shit, you wanted to be comfortable.
Pulling on some grey joggers you also put on a black tank top that stuck to your body to show off your figure, on the front it said DREAM ON in big white letters across your breasts.
Grabbing your phone you put on Flawless to get you mentally and physically prepared for the day.

(play the song or play the song again if you were already listening to it XD)

Smirking you looked at yourself in your dresser mirror.
"Danm...I'm lookin' good as fuck! I guess I did wake up flawless"
Giggling you put on a baby blue choker that stretched out.
It was gonna be cold today considering you were transitioning into fall so you grabbed your black jacket that literally went with everything.
Grabbing a pair of mismatching socks you pulled them onto your feet.
You grabbed some deodorant and put some on while spritsing (your favorite perfume scent) onto your exposed neck and hair and some on your clothes for good measure.
You grabbed your phone and earbuds shoving them into your pocket.
Putting on your shoes you walked out of your room downstairs and into the kitchen.
Your mom and dad had already left for work and you were the only person left in the house.
You were an only child which was pretty great but it did get boring and lonely at times, eh no matter you had You, Yourself, and boo. Boo still being you💓.
Having 15 min before your bus got to it's stop you started eating your breakfast which was some leftover pizza from last night.
Hell yeah.
After finishing up your greasy breakfast you licked your fingers and washed your hands,touching up your lip gloss in the mirror of the bathroom.
Grabbing your almost empty back pack, filled with pencils some journals and like one or two folders, you slung it over your shoulder amd grabbed your house key.
"Well let's see what new hell awaits me today at my new school"
You smirk and start walking to your stop not taking long cuz it was literally down the street and around the corner.
Your smirk turned into a lazy smile as you looked at the other kids standing at the stop.
You waited 7 minutes until your bus came and as the bus pulled up and you were about to get on until you heard heavy frantic footsteps and panting coming toward you.
Turning around you saw a boy about your height (your 5'3 in this btw sorry to tall people out there!!! T^T)
In a yellow shirt, blue jeans, white shoes and cute curly brown hair running towards you coming to a stop behind you as he put his hands on his knees to take a breather.
"Yo are you okay? Looks like your kinda out of breath"
Giggling at your obvious remark he looked up at you and his eyes widened a bit as he blushed a bit darkly which was kinda obvious.
"U-u-uh yeah, yeah I'm great! U-um who are you? I-I don't think I've s-seen you around here before"
Awe how cute, he just met you and he's already fallen to the point of no return.
"I'm (F/n) (L/n), what about you dude what's your name?"
You climbed onto the bus and sat in the closest seat to the door that wasn't dirty as fuck, he followed you and sat beside you.
"M-my name's M-Morty Smith it's nice to meet you (y)-(y/n)"
"It's nice to meet you too Morty, let's be great friends yeah?"
He looked at you shocked and smiled brightly nodding with a small blush on his cheeks.
"Yeah s-sounds g-great!"
And there you go.
You just made your first friend for the first day.

(Hey guys! I hope you really liked this little intro I made for the story, this is my first story ever so I'm sorry if there are any typos or words put in twice, I'm literally making this at midnight XD well I hope you enjoy the more chapters to come, maybe at some point I'll make a second book for requests if you might have any so maybe look foward to that! Well this is EmoFlamingos saying I hope you enjoy my work!🌹)

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 19, 2017 ⏰

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