Chapter 7: The Baby...

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      I was in terrible pain. The paramedics rushed me into the ER and began their transactions. Everything seemed to be going in circles. I was sweating and nervous. My mother had told me how unbearable it was to give birth but I was determined to do it. She sat right next to me and held my hand through it all while my father was nowhere to be found.
The doctor yelled "PUSH PUSH"
I did as he said and pushed. I could feel my bones expanding and the baby coming out. I grasped my mothers hand so tight, and she kept reassuring everything would be alright.
     After what seemed to be hours, the doctor came back into the room. He had a serious expression on his face which told me is something had gone wrong. He explained to us that unfortunately my baby had been born prematurely and dead. I started to cry uncontrollably and feel that all I did was for nothing. I couldn't do anything about and now I was just laying in the hospital bed alone and hated by everyone.
    Suddenly there's a knock on the door. I tell them to leave but there's no answer. They knock again, but this time they just walk in. Sure enough it was Lay. I was shocked to see him since after what had happened. We hadn't spoken in months, so why did he come see me now? I asked him and he said that he wanted to be there when our baby was born. I began to cry again, my mother told him what had happened and he gave me a big hug. He had brought red roses with him which made me feel a little better but I was still extremely sad about the news. My mother gave us some alone time to talk it out.
"How do you feel" asked Lay.
"I don't know anymore" I responded.
"I'm sorry for what happened, and for being such as jerk after I found out you were pregnant"
I stayed spinet and looked away. I could still see him staring from the corner of my eye. He slid his hand under mine and held it close. His body hear made your hand warm. He kept insisting for you to forgive him but you knew deep down he wasn't going to change.
To be continued...

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