Chapter 1: The Beginning

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Part 1

"Get Up Now Anaya Or We Will Be Late!" Yelled Marissa even though I was fully clothed and was waiting on her to get ready. I sighed heavily and got up. She looked at me. "I don't want to go." I huffed. "Look you need to get out there not stay in here all day." I stared at her with a glare. "I don't want love don't you understand." She looked at me then bursted out laughing. She gripped my shoulder for balance while bent over holding her stomach. I pushed her off me and walked out the door to the bathroom. I looked in the mirror and I could see her looking back at me. "What am I?" I said. I'm me I huffed and went down stairs and grabbed my keys. There was no way Marissa was going to be driving after almost crashing trying to change the radio. She came down and we loaded the car. We were going camping at her boyfriend's house with a two more friends of his. To make it more awkward is that the tents were one boy one girl.

I made my way down the street while Rissa blasted my ears out by turning up the music too loud. I turned it down and she pouted. "I don't want to be deaf by the time I am 50." I told her. She put her headphones in and turned the music up really loud. I shook my head. I knew the way to his house if I didn't have to go there almost every day. About thirty minutes later, we pulled up in his driveway. Marissa jumped out the car and slammed my door. I flinched. "Hey!" I shouted. I slumped down into the driver's seat and sighed. I was about to crank my car up and speedy drive away when Clinton, Marissa boyfriend walked over to the car and knocked softly three times. I just stared at him. He repeated his action of knocking on my window three times softly. I opened my door and stepped out. "What do you want?" I snorted. "Where do you think you were going?" He smirked. "Home," I growled, "I don't want to be here!" I huffed. "Home?" Rubbing his chin. "Why?" He asked. "I just told you why," I growled. "YOU guys make me uncomfortable."

Marissa came out the house to see me talking to Clinton. "Babe, go inside, please, I will talk to her." She said pulling him away. I was on the verge of pushing her for dragging me out here. She opened her mouth to say something but I cut her off. I got in my car and sat in there. She stood outside looking at me. I gripped the steering wheel tightly. My breathing had sped up and I had to control myself or terrible things were going to happen. Marissa had walked back in the house now. I hopped out and found the nearest woods to me and blanked out. 

Part 2

The screams of terrified people as a roar of a dragon broke through the little town. It had huge white wing, long white hair, black horns, black crown upon its head, white claws, huge red eyes, and a hint of pink. A young couple running together and the dragon swooped and opened it mighty jaws. It snatched up man swallowing him whole. The woman had now taking off her heels and was in a full sprint but the dragon was faster. The dragon dropped down in front of her growling lowly and creeping slowly toward her. She cut the corner and dashed down the dirt path. The dragon took to the skies. The woman felt safe and slowed down to a halt and looked behind her nothing the dragon was gone. She turn to continue walking and bumped into something. She looked up to see those red eyes appearing in front of her. "No" she shouted at it. Before she could get up the dragon had her in its jaws and shallowed her with out chewing. Let out a roar set a near by tree on fire and flew away for she had more destruction on the way.

I woke suddenly patting my body to see it I was real or not. I was freaking out. The dream I just had was not one to be trusted. Ever since I turned 21 I have been having these dreams and they felt so real. I could see every thing through the eyes of the dragon. I looked around I was on a sofa. "Marissa you mean to tell me you didn't beat her up?" Shouted Clinton. "Yes, I didn't even get to talk to her and she didn't even leave the yard she was pasted out in the middle of the yard." Explained Marissa. I had passed out again this time in the middle of someone yard. I got up and walked out the door. "Anaya you're ok!" Marissa said while running up to me and wrapped me in a hug. I hugged back. "Yeah why would I be? I am fine nothing happened?" I said looking confused. "Wha- You mean you don't know what happened?" Asked Marissa. I was going to respond when one of Clinton's friends came in the hall. "You all might want to come look at this!" We all jetted for the living room and it was a news broadcast. "A dragon is on the lose. A dragon is on the lose. If you see this dragon report it immediately." Screamed the reporter.

In the background I could see a destroyed city. Then I remembered the dream. I then dropped to my knee. I couldn't feel my legs. Why did I see what the dragon did? Was I the Dragon. Marissa was kneeling beside me. "Are you ok?" She asked. "I told you not to make me angry!" I whispered to her. "What do you mean?" She asked. "Stop asking me questions!" I looked the hair on my shoulder it was turning white. "Oh my goodness my hair!" I said running to the bathroom. Marissa followed the boys stayed behind. "What is going on!" I said panicking. "Can you please explain why I shouldn't make you mad!" She asked. "More Questions." I growled and she backed away. It's because of this I pass have a dream about a big dragon, wake up, my hair turns as white as snow and I get a strong boost of energy. She blinked a couple times, covered her mouth, and bursted out in laughter. "MARISSA THIS IS NO-" A sudden pain in my head cut me off. It literally felt like something was growing out the top of my head. I looked in the mirror and I had two horns on the top of my head now. I was so shocked that I passed out. My name was the only thing I heard.

I woke in a broken house it was torn to pieces I realized that it was Clinton's house. Why would they leave me hear I thought. I slowly got up pain in my head was unbearable. I finally got to my feet. I walked through the the ruins of Clinton's once house. I looked around my car was still parked outside. My phone was still planted in my pocket. I tugged it out and called Marissa. It ring three times before she answered. "Hello?" She answered shakily. "Rissa what happened to the house where are you!" I asked her. "You need to come to the little log house and be calm please I need to tell you something." She said in a whisper. "Ok!" I responded. Why would she go to the log house? We only go there if there is a problem.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 17, 2021 ⏰

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