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prompt: I got stuck babysitting my little sibling, so we're studying at my house instead. My friend called with an emergency, and when I finally got off the phone I found you teaching my little sibling how to dunk Oreos in milk without getting your fingers wet. I think I'm in love.


"You have to be kidding! I have someone coming over to study, I can't babysit Lucas!" I whined to my parents. Of course they had a surprise date tonight.

"Dallon, your father's already made reservations. You're just going to have to deal with it." My mom said with a shrug. I groaned and slumped back onto the couch. They rolled their eyes and left without hearing me out.

"Sucks for you." My younger brother Lucas teased after they left. "So when's your boyfriend coming over?" I immediately picked up one  of the couch pillows and threw it at him.

"I'm telling mom!" He yelled in response before the doorbell rang. We exchanged a look and got up at the same time to answer it. He tripped me and I fell back onto the couch as he swung the door open.

"Hey Ryan!" 

"Hey Luke! Where's Dallon?" Ryan responded to my younger brother.

"He's crying because he has to watch me." He looked at me and stuck his tongue out while I rolled my eyes.

"Is that so?" Ryan asked with a laugh. Lucas nodded and he sighed.

"That's a bummer. I'd love to have a cool little brother like you." Ryan said. Lucas looked at me with a grin. "Your boyfriend's so sweet!"

I blushed and pushed him out of the way. Ryan shook his head and grinned before walking inside and heading into the kitchen so we could study.

"Don't mind my brother, Ry. He's annoying all of the time." I said with a laugh.

"Dallon we've been best friends for over three years. Your little brother is great."

"Thanks Ryan! You know who else is great?" Lucas said looking over at me. I gave him a pleading look, but he didn't stop. "Dallon. You know he has a huge crush on-."

My phone rang and interrupted Lucas's speech. I saw the caller ID excused myself before stepping outside to take the call.

"Hey Dally!" Brendon said from the other side of the line.

I pulled the phone away from my ear and sighed. "Calm the fuck down, you just almost blew my eardrums."

"Sorry Dal. What's up with you?"

"Well, I'm studying with Ryan and I kind of need you to hurry up so I can get back inside."

"Oh!" He said enthusiastically. "Well, I was going to ask you to go buy me a Snickers, but go get him."

I laughed and said goodbye before hanging up and walking back inside.

"Hey guys I'm bac-."

"Hey Dallon! Ryan's teaching me to dip my Oreos without getting my hands wet! Your boyfriend's a genius!" Lucas exclaimed.

"Lucas, for the last time, we're not dating!" I scolded him.

"Actually, I don't see a problem with it." Ryan said with a smirk. "You know, as long as you don't."

I blushed and sat down beside him. "I don't, if you don't."

"Fine then. Dallon Weekes, would you like to be my boyfriend?" Ryan asked causing Lucas to gasp.

"Say yes Dallon!" He cheered.

"Um." I blushed for a moment before responding. "Yeah! I'd love to!"

"Yes!" Lucas cheered before getting up. We both laughed and he hugged us. "Maybe Dallon will actually be cool if he has a cool boyfriend!" I pushed him away and Ryan laughed.

a/n - i know dallon has a brother named jordan, but it felt weird adding his real brother into this. :/

Youth - Ryllon One-shotsWhere stories live. Discover now