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Hello, one and all and welcome to this book. Like the description has said, this will just be me ranting about randomness and I have no clue what else. Their is not going to be a schedule nor should their be. This will also only be my opinion, so if anyone has another one, they are free to have it. Also, like the title said I am in a Grade 7/8 split. I am in the younger half and am currently eleven and will be twelve on the 25 of November. My teacher loads us with homework and I like playing OverWatch so uploads may not be very fast. I may one day look back at this and laugh at all of the mistakes I made while writing this but I do not care at this point. My mind usually does not make any sense, so this book likely won't either. A lot of the stuff I write will be out of order but again, this is a rant book. So, yeah. Back to about me and my randomness, you already know what I like to play for video games, but I also play Dungeons and Dragons, and draw. I am an absolutely horrendous artist, but I at least try. Now since I am so disorganized, I may do poles in this book about what I should write about, or something along those lines. But, I will try to write most of this just off the top of my head. I will be trying to upload another part very soon but I am not making any promises. Thanks again. -Executive U

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 19, 2017 ⏰

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My life in a Grade 7/8 split.( And a Genji with healing)Where stories live. Discover now