You want to commit suicide? Stop and read this.

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You've had a bad day at School, like you do everyday. You're home alone, your parents are still at work. Everything's too much, the rumors, the lies, the bullying. All you can think about is how much you hate yourself. How you wish the pain would end. Just get it over and done with already. You want to die. You get told to kill yourself constantly most days, 'Do us all a favor and kill yourself,' they say, 'No one will miss you,'

You rush home everyday, you can't wait to get away. You cry in your room all night, every night and eventually you end up crying yourself to sleep. But not tonight, no. You're so sick of everything. People telling you that 'it'll get better' no it won't. The only way for things to get better is to leave, to die.. To leave this world behind along with the hurt and pain. To feel absolutely nothing. You see your phone flash, 'New message' appears on the screen. You're shaking, scared at what it'll say, 'You're fat, you're ugly and most of all you're worthless. Nobody cares about you, don't you realize? You're a joke.' You wonder why everyone hates you, but now you know because you even hate yourself.. You walk to the bathroom, blade in hand, and turn the taps on, once the bath is full you turn off the taps and step in. You sit down in the boiling hot water. Tears are running down your face as you press the metal blade harder and harder into your skin, your wrist, your veins. Deeper and deeper until scarlet red blood starts pouring out. You no longer care anymore. The same way nobody cares about you. But in reality they really do..

You can't even remember how it feels to be happy anymore. All you feel is pain, depression and anxiety... What's even the point? Everyone have given up on you. Including yourself.. You feel the open wound on your arm losing so much blood, the bath water is completely red. You feel yourself losing a lot of blood, becoming weaker and weaker. You think about your family as you lie there dying. You're alone, completely alone. As it's too late you realize you don't want to die, you just wanted the pain to end. But there's no going back, it's all too late. Before you know it your body goes weak, you close your eyes forcing them shut with the very last of your strength. You're dead, gone forever. You thought you'd done everyone a favor, you thought they'd be happy. You thought wrong.

Your parents arrive home and shout 'Hello sweetheart, how was School today?'

You don't answer, you always answer.. They walk upstairs wondering where you are. They see the bathroom door is shut. They open the door, your Mother seeing your dead body collapses in tears, she cries, screams, begs for you to come back. Your father also sees your dead, limp, lifeless body and the blood filled bath. He bursts into tears crying, he never cries. They ring for an ambulance and the police, your Dad manages to choke out the words between tears 'My daughter, she's committed suicide..'

The next morning your Mum calls your School explaining that you won't be in School for a long time. She ends up breaking down in tears and explaining everything. That day at School your head teacher calls an emergency whole School assembly, everyone knows that something's wrong. The whole School is completely silent. Your headteacher manages to get out the words 'Alex Hudson has very tragically committed suicide.'

She bursts into tears, your old best friend who was bullied into leaving you is silent, she cries silently. She refuses to speak to anyone and she goes into a deep depression, two weeks later after no communication with anyone at all, she also commits suicide. She left you when you needed her most. She knew she could have stopped you, helped you, saved you, but she wasn't there for you. All she felt was guilt. The girl who sent you the text stopped eating, she became severely anorexic and is diagnosed with an eating disorder, she ends up being hospitalized and put on a drip. But whilst in hospital she dies. A boy that watched you getting bullied and said and did nothing started self harming, he thought he could have done something and maybe prevented it from getting that far, but he didn't. Your Mother doesn't leave the house for months. Your Dad's never home, he keeps him self busy at work to stay distracted from the reality that things will never be the same.

You may think suicide will get rid of the pain, but really it just passes the pain onto other people. It affects everyone and everything. You were just so caught up in the fact you thought that nobody cared, when really more people cared than you could ever imagine. Every 30 seconds a teenager commits suicide in the UK. That's terrible, what makes people bully other people? What makes someone so insecure about themselves that they have to push someone else so far that they feel as though the only option left is to kill themselves or harm themselves in some way. No one should ever be made to feel like that. It's not okay. Bullying in every single shape or form is never okay. Don't bully anyone because you never know how they'll react, how it affects them inside. They may not show their feelings on the outside but you will never know how it affects them on the inside. They may not show it, but every single insults and negative opinion and comment hurts. Don't be a bully, don't physically hurt someone, or verbally. Treat other people in a way you'd like yourself to be treated by others.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 24, 2017 ⏰

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