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A mother is a river, one whose influence surrounds—

Every ripple is a whisper, every crashing wave resounds.

As a river cannot pass without enveloping her shores,

So a mother's love encompasses the ones that she adores.

When the stones o'er which she flows become too sharp to coexist,

She smoothes them down with gentleness and thus their rage eclipse.

And if debris obscures her family's course, they can be sure

That her waters rise and churn to keep the passage clear and pure.

A mother can at times present a threat unparalleled,

Just as rivers can outgrow their limits and, unhindered, swell—

And when her waters billow up in monstrous disarray,

All who look to her for life must stand in shadow of the fray.

Through tender tides of care, and floods of fierce authority,

Touching both the toughest boulders and the meek minority,

Mother's role demands so much, but she continues to deliver—

It's a boundless love embodied by the surging of a river.

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⏰ Last updated: May 12, 2014 ⏰

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