The "Pretty" Girls

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When we look At the
girls in the mAgAzines,
We wish,
ThAt we could be perfect,
ThAt we could have their body,
Their tAn,
Their eye shApe,
Their Ass,
Their boobs,
We dreAm so much thAt we soon begin to hAte ourselves,
We think thAt the girls on the pAges resembles beAuty,
We think thAt if we Aren't skinny or if we hAve a smAll bust thAt we Aren't pretty,
That is whAt society hAs done to us girls,
They think thAt for A girl to be pretty,
We hAve to be skinny and hAve big boobs And A big butt And we hAve to hAve An hour-glass shAped body and we hAve to weAr mAkeup to be "Pretty" or "BeUutiful",
we Are ridiculed by whAt the world thinks pretty is,
WhAt we "hAve" to do to be "perfect",
BecAuse society hAs A sick And twisted wAy of maAking people feel a certain way,
It mAkes you wAnt to Die,
It mAkes you Hurt,
It mAkes you Numb,
It mAkes you feel like you Are.........Lifeless.

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