1~ Someone's Always Saying Goodbye

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"Magnus, I have to leave." Alec panted harshly, pulling back from his boyfriend's lips to gaze down into half lidded golden-green eyes.

Magnus smirked, eyes dancing with amusement. "I know love. I'm just making sure that," He tipped his head upwards, skimming his teeth along the Shadowhunter's neck, swiping his tongue out afterwards, making the skin red. "You have something to remember me by."

"Mags! Urk, you have to let go! I-Ha-I'm going to be late!"

The Warlock pulled back reluctantly, unwrapping his arms from around the now blushing beauty that stood between his legs, releasing him from his embrace. He eyed his ensemble distastefully as the Shadowhunter backed up, fixing his disheveled black shirt and the weapons belt on his waist.

"How long are you going to be gone again?" Magnus asked, hoping that Alec hadn't actually said a month.

Alec sighed as he faced the Warlock once again, frowning as he spoke slowly as if he too hoped he was wrong. "A... month, possibly longer." He grimaced. "We're tracking a herd of trijak demons who've been praying on humans at night in hopes of finding their nest and destroying it."

Magnus frowned, his brow furrowing. He didn't like the fact that he wouldn't be able to be there if Alec got hurt and he certainly didn't like the fact that he would have to sit at home whilst the boy risked his life.

Almost as if reading his expression the boy stepped forward towards the pink couch Magnus sat upon, blue eyes gentle as he smiled softly at the Warlock, his hand cupping his cheek. "Hey, it'll be fine. Jace and Izzy will be there and between the three of us we'll be fine. I'll be back before you know it."

Magnus sighed, tilting his cheek into the Shadowhunter's warm palm. "Yeah." He agreed halfheartedly, turning his head to place a chaste kiss on the boy's wrist his tongue darting out to taste the pale skin afterwards.

Alec gasped, hand flexing against the Warlock's cheek, eyes burning into the mischievous cat eyes of his lover. Magnus gave him a teasing smirk, eyebrow raising as if to say, "What are you gonna do about it?" And Alec growled, taking a step closer as his hand slid from the Warlock's cheek to the back of his neck where he proceeded to pull on the silky black strands, tilting Magnus' head up as he slammed his lips down in a heated kiss.

The Warlock moaned at the sensation, reaching out to wrap his arms around the boy once more, yanking him forward so that his hips were level with Magnus' chest. He leaned back against the couch, resting his head against the back as the Shadowhunter moved his hands from his hair to rest his arms onto the top of the pink couch, leaning further into the Warlock.

Alec shuddered as Magnus dragged his hands up his stomach, pulling back to rest his forehead on the other's as he breathed harshly, his breath washing over his boyfriend's face as he took in the lust filled golden-green eyes. He smiled ruefully, moving his hand from the couch to stroke back the stray strands of silky black hair off of the Warlock's face, placing one last gentle kiss on Magnus' lips before pulling away fully, eyeing his disheveled appearance one last time. 'Remember this.' A voice whispered in his head. 'Remember this because it may be the last time you ever see him.' Alec tried not to dwell on the thought. He backed up, never taking his eyes off of the Warlock's slited ones as he gently searched from the doorknob, twisting it once his hand enclosed around it.

"I love you." He murmured, gazing at Magnus earnestly.

"And I love you, little Shadowhunter." His lover returned, eyes shinning with faint sadness.

Alec smiled faintly before opening the door, walking through it with one last glance at the Warlock who he may never see again. The door closed with a thud that seemed to echo in Magnus' heart.

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