chapter 8

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he knew! this whole time i thought it was hidden in the dark but he knew. i look through the list remembering each and every one on it and how they ended. when i get to the bottom of the list i see number 122, Johnathan Eden. i remember him. he was working for the FBI and got on my case. when i found out i started following him. but i never got the chance to take him out. his wife got to him before i did. domestic dispute. she shot him in the head after he beat her half to death.  why would this name be on his list? i didn't kill him and if Ryan knew everything about my hidden life he should know that. 

i continue to shuffle through the items that are now scattered on the floor. its mostly pictures of us and a few things of mine he must have taken. underneath an old bandanna i was something that made my heart drop to my toes. so Ryan has a list of his own. its more organized than mine. with names and what looks to be amounts of money next to them. the amounts range from 2,500 to 85,000. it looks like a hit list? why would Ryan have a hit list? all at once a wave of realization rushes over me.  this isn't a hit list, he got paid this amount for taking the life of this person. 

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