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Finally the day has come when the Seventeen members could go on a two-day trip together and enjoy. It was around 7:22am, when S.Coups yelled out loud from the living room, loud enough for everyone sleeping in the three bedrooms to wake up with a sudden jerk/shock. 

"Yah kids! Wake up and get your butts out of the beds. You all should be ready in the next one hour" 

*1st bedroom*

"Ugh whats wrong with this hyung? Why is he bursting our eardrums this early in the morning" Chan says in a sleepy tone getting up and leaning his back against the wall. 

"Don't tell me you forgot, Dino? We're going on a trip to-" Vernon was cut off by an angry Seungkwan, who had burst inside the room from the bathroom with a towel wrapped around his waist and his hair wet, with few water droplets falling down his exposed skin on the floor, "Where did you keep my underwear?" He was pretty annoyed. "Good morning Hyung!" Chan says getting down from the bung bed. "Give me my underwear back before I make your morning bad, the hyungs want us ready in an hour or so" 

"I know you're excited for the trip Seungkwan but we don't have your underwear, you should have labeled it before throwing it down for the laundry. Now somebody amongst the hyungs might be wearing it" Vernon says with a laugh and walks out of the room towards the bathroom. "You have plenty of under wears in the wardrobe just wear one of them, Hyung" the youngest says grabbing the towel kept on the shelves next to him and walks out towards the bathroom. "Ugh my lucky underwear, what should I do now" Seungkwan closes the door mumbling in an annoyed tone. 

*2nd bedroom*

"Mingyu-ah get up" Wonwoo says shaking the younger one. "Ugh is it morning already? Let me sleep for more 5 minutes, Hyung" Mingyu says turning his back towards Wonwoo. Wonwoo pushes Mingyu's shoulder down, pinning him to the bed as he gets on top of him and giving lazy tickles on the younger ones stomach and chest, "Get up Mingyu-ah, we have to leave for the trip and we still haven't showe-" He was cut off when S.Coups peeps inside the room to see if both of them were up but was shocked to see Wonwoo on top of Mingyu. "What are you both doing?" The oldest coughs. Wonwoo immediately jumps out of the bed blushing, "Uh I was just waking him up, Hyung. Don't worry we will be ready in the next 15 minutes" he explains awkwardly whereas Mingyu just laughs in the background. "Stop laughing you jerk" Wonwoo hits Mingyu on the head which kinda makes him yell out his name like a moan which shocks both S.Coups and Wonwoo making the situation more awkward. "I'II go and shower" Wonwoo gets his towel from the wardrobe and runs out of the room towards the bathroom. 

*3rd bedroom*

"How do I look?" Joshua asks Jeonghan, folding the sleeves of his shirt up. "You look great, but not as great as I do" Jeonghan says pushing Joshua aside to check his appearance in the mirror. Joshua gives out a cute laugh just standing aside until Jeonghan has finished checking every detail of his outfit. "I think we should get going now" The youger one says twisting the door nob and leading the way towards the living area with Jeonghan following him. 

"Is everyone ready to leave?" Joshua asks S.Coups who was all ready for the trip since 6 in the morning. "Mingyu is still showering" He says signaling Hoshi and Jun to get down their luggage in the car. "Is he even planning to come with us or should we leave him?" Jeonghan says jokingly. "I'II go check if he has come out of the shower or not" Minghao was almost about to leave to go check if Mingyu was out of the shower but was stopped by Wonwoo, "Ugh Minghao wait, I'II go and check if he's out or not" "Alright as you wish, Hyung" The8 replies walking out with the luggage. Wonwoo walks towards the bathroom, everyone was almost out of the house setting up the luggage in the car so the only sound Wonwoo could hear was the water flowing down in the shower and Mingyu singing with his beautiful voice, he could've waited outside forever only to hear his beautiful voice but they were getting late and Mingyu was about to get scoldings from the Hyungs for being late. "Mingyu-ah! get out fast or else we will leave you" Wonwoo tried to sound angry so Mingyu could take it seriously. "Ah sorry Hyung, I'II be ready in 5 minutes" Mingyu says getting out of the shower, just in a towel wrapped around his waist and exposing his wet, muscular skin in the cold air. Wonwoo didnt focus much as seeing Mingyu like this was turning him on so he just left the room and told Mingyu to be down in 10 minutes. 

Mingyu gets down with his luggage. He walks up to the left door of the car and peeps inside to see if the Boys left space for him, "where do I sit?" He asks in confusion. "There's a seat less in the car" Chan says adjusting himself. "make someone sit on your lap Mingyu and get in the car or else we will leave you here" S.Coups yells out from the passenger seat. "Wonwoo hyung can you please get down for a minute?" Mingyu says to the person sitting right next to the door. "Huh? Why?" Wonwoo questions the younger one. "Ugh just for a sec" he says politely. "Alright!" Wonwoo gets down from the car, the others just watch what's happening. Mingyu immediately gets in the car and sits where Wonwoo was sitting, "Yah! Thats my seat!" Wonwoo says in low voice but loud enough for them to hear. "Ah Wonwoo hyung you can sit on my lap now" Mingyu pats his laps. "Me? On your lap? Get down and give me back my seat" "Ah come on hyung, sit on his lap for now, its just for 2 hours" Seungkwan says sweetly. "Yah Wonwoo get in fast or else we're leaving" Jeonghan says lazily. "Ugh- fine" he hesitates but agrees and gets in the car. 

*on the way*

All of them joke in the car, play games and laugh on each other. The most quite in the car was Wonwoo, he was looking outside the window, suddenly he could feel something hard under his butt. He looks behind to see Mingyu smirking at him. Mingyu was holding his waist, Wonwoo gulps and tries to ignore the situation but Mingyu's boner was hard enough to make him move His ass on it. He starts moving slowly, biting his lips. Mingyu knew what he was doing and was Happy about it. They didnt want others to know what was happening so Mingyu made his grip tight on Wonwoo's waist so he doest move much. 


Soon they reached the hotel and started getting down the luggage from the car. "Everyone! There are 7 rooms booked so one of us have to stay alone" S.Coups informs looking at the list in his hand. "The others will share the rooms in pairs" he continues. "I will be the one to stay alone" Jihoon raises his hand grabbing everyone's attention. "Alright then the others form pairs and go to your respective hotel rooms" S.Coups starts walking towards the reception to check in the hotel. Mingyu grabs Wonwoo's hand and starts walking towards one of the room. "Huh? We're gonna stay together?" Wonwoo questions the younger one. "Of course we are gonna stay together. Aren't you gonna end what you just started in the car?" Wonwoo blushes on what Mingyu says. He opens the door and places their bags in the corner of the room. Wonwoo bounces on the bed, "Ah I'm so tired" "But you know you're in for a long night Hyung" Mingyu walks towards Wonwoo and gives him a sexy look. "What do you mean Mingyu?" "What I mean is" Mingyu starts to unbuckle his belt and unzip his pants, he pushes them down and his clothed cock bulges on. Wonwoo's eyes widen up, he gulps getting up on his knees. Mingyu gets on the bed and starts getting closer and closer to Wonwoo and with in seconds their lips were locked with each others. Mingyu slowly moves his hands on Wonwoo's cheeks, deepening the kiss. Both of their tongues dancing in synchronization. They soon pull away, breathing heavily. Wonwoo was really Needy after the kiss they just shared. Mingyu takes no time in ripping of his and Wonwoo's clothes. He starts leaving wet kisses on Wonwoo's neck and collarbones. Dark purple-blue marks start appearing on the older one's skin and with each hickey Mingyu left, Wonwoo moaned out his name in a sexy voice. Mingyu was really happy to see how cute his hyung sounded while moaning. He slowly moves down towards Wonwoo's manhood and starts sucking it. "Ah fuckkk" Wonwoo moans out loudly. Mingyu increases his sucking speed. "I-I'm Cl-close" Wonwoo breathes out heavily, his body was Covered in sweat, he releases himself. Mingyu drinks everything, every drop of it. he gets back on his knees and start kissing Wonwoo, this time with more force. He kissed him until both of them were out of breath, their lips swollen. Mingyu flips the older one on his stomach and without any warning pushes himself inside him. "Mingyuuuu ahh" hearing Wonwoo moan his name loudly made him extremely Happy and proud that how good he was making  his hyung feel. He increases his speed and starts thrusting faster and harder, Wonwoo was a moaning mess under him. "H-Harder" he moaned and Mingyu starts thrusting at his max speed. 

He pulls out falling beside Wonwoo breathing heavily. He was tired after thrusting but was more happy. They both clean themselves and cuddle all night in one bed. 

(A/N: I'm so sorry if this is short and not really smutty but I tried my best also please ignore my grammatical errors😅 I hope y'all like it) 

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 16, 2018 ⏰

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