6) You're Awake

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David's POV

I wake up to my wife's voice, she reading to me about... herself? I open my eyes and look at her. 

"Oh my God, you're awake" I hear her say

I lift my hand up and put it on her hand. "Snow?" She gives me a puzzled look, then I remember, the curse, she has no idea who she is, let alone who I am. "Keep reading about..."

"Hi my name's Mary Margaret, I was reading the fairy tale of Snow White" fairy tale? Regina made us all fairy tale characters, great, just great. "Would you like me to keep reading?" She asks me and I nod my head in response, then someone walks in, interrupting us. 

"Mary Margaret, Emma's awake, but when you see her, be aware she is going to be in a lot of pain" When I hear that name, Emma, that has to be my daughter, what happened to her? Then the doctor walks out, not even realizing that I'm awake.

"Emma?" I ask. 

"Oh David, Emma's my best friend, when we would have disagreements about her husband, I would oftentimes come here and talk to you about it, even though you couldn't provide me with answers or advice" she tells me. 

"That must be why the name sounds so familiar to me" I lie, knowing she'll think I'm crazy if I tell her the truth. 

"Well I have to go see her, she's in pretty bad shape" I nod, even though I'm fuming on the inside about this 'husband' of Emma's and I'm unable to rest with the thoughts protruding through my mind. Did he hurt her? Who is he? I need to see my daughter. I slowly start to get out of my bed and a woman sees me and her jaw literally drops.

"Mr. Nolan, you're awake!" She yells excitedly, and I respond with a smile and a nod. "How are you feeling??"

"I feel fine, but can I go for a walk?"

"You need to be in a wheelchair, it's been a while since you've been able to use the muscles in your legs, so you can't walk without a physical therapist, for now"

"Then can I roam around, in a wheelchair... alone?" I ask, as politely as I could. 

"I suppose that would be alright, let me get you a wheelchair" she left the room and came back, less than 2 minutes later with an odd looking chair, that has very large wheels on it, it looked somewhat like a small carriage. 

"Okay, all you have to do it rotate the wheels with your hands" I nod and wander the hospital, looking for my family.

Then a come across a room, I see a grown blonde woman laying on the bed, she has some sort of bandage on her head and she looks really uncomfortable. And I see my wife, trying not to cry then a little boy comes up behind me. 

"Do you know who you are?" He asked me, and I give him an odd look. "Are you trapped in the curse?" At that last question, my eyes practically pop out of my head. "So, you have your memories"

"Who are you?" I ask him. 

"I'm Henry, and you're my grandpa" he told me proudly. 

"Em-Emma has a son?" He nods his head. "Wow... What happened to her?"

"I think she should tell you, she knows about the curse. I'm gonna go see her" 

Emma's POV

I'm awake, but I don't wanna open my eyes because of the amount of pain I'm in, but I do when I feel someone holing my hand and I hear a familiar voice. When I open my eyes, I expected to be laying on the floor of my apartment, but instead, I'm in a hospital room with Mary Margaret, I can see it on her face, she wants to cry, but she doesn't want me to see it. 

"Mary Margaret" I say, barely a whisper. 

"Emma, thank God you're okay"

"Where is he? Where's Walsh?"

"He's here as well, but not as a visitor..." she told me, confusing me. "I heard him hurting you and I couldn't just do nothing... So I went in my apartment and grabbed a... I grabbed a frying pan, and he's in the prison ward of the hospital with a concussion"

I smiled at the fact the she wanted to protect me, my mother wanted to protect me. Wow, I never thought I'd get to say that, then realization hit me. "He's gonna be pissed"

"I know, but I'm not sorry, if I wouldn't have done it, you would be dead right now" she told me honestly. 

"I'm not angry with you, I just-" I remembered, I have to see Henry, I looked at my watch and he gets out of school in 5 minutes. "Crap, I have to go" Mary Margaret gave me a very motherly look, even though, she doesn't know that she's my mother. 

"You aren't going anywhere. I called the school and they said that they'd tell Henry about your non-accidental-accident, he left early, he should be here by now actually" we both look outside of the window and see Henry talking to Mary Margaret's coma boyfriend, my father. "When did your coma boyfriend wake up?" 

"Like an hour ago, I would've told you, but you had more important things to worry about"

"Okay, I see your point" I tell her and Henry walks into the room.

"Emma, I'm so so sorry, it's all my fault, you were with me and you missed his calls and it's-" I interrupted him, he was on the verge of tears and blaming himself.

"Henry, this is not your fault, I should have listened to you" I tell him and look to my mother "both of you, I should've left him, but I was too much of a coward"

"Emma, it's okay to be scared" Mary told me, and I responded with a weak smile.

"Do you mind giving me and Henry a minute to talk?" I ask her and she leaves the room and talks with David.

"He remembers" Henry told me.

"What?? Did you tell him... about Walsh?"

"No, but I told him to ask you what happened" he told me.

"Okay kid, I'll just be sure to avoid him at all costs" I told him, sarcastically, which earned a little laugh and smile from him. "There's that hopeful smile"

"Emma, are you sure that you still want to break the curse? None of this would have happened if it wasn't for me telling you about the curse" he told me, feeling guilty.

"It's not your fault Henry, it was only a matter of time until Walsh lost control and we have to break the curse, so we can be a family again" I look out at my parents talking. "All of us" that statement made Henry extremely happy.

"W-we could be a family?" He asked me hopefully. 

"Once Walsh is for sure out of the picture, but Walsh can't know your my son, not yet at least" and Henry nods enthusiastically.

Comment your thoughts 

Much Love


P.S ~ I might publish 2 chapters a day for the next few days, just started thanksgiving break, so I should have more time.

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