Chapter One: Taken

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(Sorry I started at episode 2 and went to Stardust Crusaders from there so I am sorry if anything is wrong Weeb Out )

"Dio help!"
Every night that voice haunted him.
They took her away from him.
He could do nothing as they took her away.

He woke with a start, he sighed, another nightmare. She was his flower, his delicate rose. He loved her then and it rattled him to no end that she called for him, of all people. Her sweet red hair and vibrant green eyes, the look in her eyes as she was dragged away by those men in white, taken forever.

That day had started normal, she met JoJo, Erina, and himself in a clearing as usual holding that stuffed rabbit she loved so. Thorn, that was the rabbits name, it was small and had a big green bow right in the middle of it's droopy long ears, the green bow completed the rabbit's brown fur and tied to the toy an earthy look.
Everything was as usual, they played tag and hide and seek to amuse the younger girl, hide and seek was her favorite, she was very good at hiding.
Then it happened.
He heard her scream for him to help her and it took him ten minutes to find her being dragged away.
"DIO!" Rose shouted as she was tossed into a black carrige and as it sped off he chased it, he chased after her but the dust the horses kicked up blinded him. When the dust cleared the carrige was gone and on the ground by his feet, a brown rabbit, the green bow had been ripped and sploched with dirt. He bent down and picked it up. He knew why they took her. She saw things, very strange things. As a child he never thought much about it but now as he gazed to his dresser looking at a small brown rabbit. It was strange what sorrow can do to people.

After Rose's family died when she was 5 she started to see things, things that weren't there. She began to speak with her parents. Her aunt was concerned with the fact her 8 year old neice was talking to dead people so she sent her to 'Calburn Mental Institution' until she shows signs of improvement. It will be 10 years since that day tomorrow.

Dio stepped out of bed and walked to the door of his room, he paused and turned his head back to the sawdust stuffed rabbit on his dresser, sighing again he stepped out the door and headed downstairs for breakfast.

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