Walking amongst the living dead, persecution is what they dread. Countless books of what I read cannot explain why it is these tears I shed. Desperate crying inside with words unspoken, The expression on my face hide the fact that I am broken. Manipulation undertones, idols creating their own thrones. Watching the world worship death, evil reaking from their breath. Weakness is what I see in their eyes, they believe in leaders who are filled with deception and lies. Willingly accepting their own demise, evil influences I blame and despise. I walked among these helpless sheep, lost in hopelessness their souls are asleep. I was once just like them, No words can explain where I have been. My soul has been awakened by a guiding light, that encourages me to stand up and fight. I am tired of partaking in earthly hustles, so I decided to start building up my spiritual muscles. Watching all creation slowly decaying, through all of this I continue praying. Life on earth is our prison, I see human enslavement in a vision. Our leaders have created for us a warped perception, their concern for us is a misconception. Destroying a land that was once filled with milk and honey, making us work or hustle for man made money. Billions of souls unawakened, unknown to them of what they partake in. Nobody cares about you or me, or living with all of creation in harmony. What is in our future I do not know, but I do know that we all reap what we sow.