Chapter One: The New Kid

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My name is Violet Mason, and today is my first day at Winchester High School. I am a Sophomore in High School.

My mother plans to start a new life here in Winchester and hopefully stay for good. We move quite a lot, especially since the death of my father when I was 4 years old. And so mother has promised that we will not move any more and we will stay put in Winchester.

I never quite had a chance to make any friends, because of the moving and always kept to myself. The only friend I have his my cousin Sara, who has been there through thick and thin right along with me and happens to live with my mother. That is because my aunt (her mother) died during childbirth with her, and my mother was given the option to take care of her since she was the closest family that Sarah had. And Sara is the only person that I feel will always have my back and be there for me. So that's about all there is about me.

First Period:

English...First class of the day...the only class I really can understand really well. But the class that will most likely ask me to to introduce myself. If, only I could just some how not have to.

Once I walk in to the class room everyone in the room starts staring, and starts the whispering. They all give me glares like I can't see.

That's when the teacher; I assume is Mrs. Koreski comes over from her desk to where I am standing in the doorway, and introduces me to the class, "Class I would like you all to meet our new student Violet Mason, she has came he all the way from Miami, Florida and I expect you all to give her a warm welcome and treat her with respect." Hmph, yeah like they will even listen to that, I thought.

So, Mrs. Koreski gives me the work they have been working on this week and shows me to my seat. As I look to where she points out my seat a tall, skinny, well fit, light slightly tanned skin toned, charming green eyed, short cut, brown haired boy sits next to where I am told to sit. He gives me a smirk, the kind that a flirty guy would use.

As you sit diwn, you hear the boy say with a deep raspy voice, "Hello, my name is Harry, and you are"? When he spoke his voice sent chills down my spine. "My is Violet, Violet Mason", I said with a stutter. Gosh I must sound stupid.

"So, why did you move from Miami, if you don't mind me asking?" He says.
"My mother just kinda wanted to start a new life and just sorta chose here." I said.
"Well, I think you are going to like it here. Now school, ehh, I would watch out for a few people."
"Why do you say that?"
"Let's just say, some of these kids are the type that can ruin who you are and you don't want to get on their bad side."
"Okay, well thanks for the heads up." I said with a bit of a concerned voice.

After the class is over, I really start thinking about what he said. I mean it's not like anyone in this school would know anything about me. Plus how could they find out anything? I have no secrets that need to get out. Or at least I don't think so.

The rest of the day goes on, and I notice I have several classes with the boy from English. I already forget his name and it hasn't even been a full day yet. It lunch and I still haven't made any friends. That is until I spot Sara.

I notice her sitting, and chatting with a couple of girls that I recognize from a few classes. Ones name I think is Chloe and the other I think is Chasidy.
Both girls seemed really nice from what I have seen and heard so far. Chloe has medium length brown hair, blue eyes pale skin, and is kinda short. Chasidy has long blond hair, blue eyes, pale skin, and is tall.

I start to walk over and sit down by Sara. As I sit down the girl I think whose name is Chasidy says, "Hi, my name is Chasidy. You must be the other new girl. Say don't we have Math and Science together? What's your name again?" "Hi Chasidy, nice to meet you. I think we do have Math and Science together. I thought we had a few classes together I just couldn't remember. My name is Violet by the way."

As we all get to know each other, we progress into laughing. Chloe and Chasidy both guessed that Sara and I were cousins mainly because we both look alike and were a bit shocked when we confirmed it. Later, during lunch to the last 5 minutes we have we all exchange phone numbers and then head to our lockers.

Later, as the day goes by I was tending to get really tired. All I was asked to do in each class was a button load of work to do that is due in two weeks. I would group text Chloe, Chasidy, and Sara in between classes, and when I had time free. Until it was time to go home.

Once I walked in through the door, Sara and I both called out for my mom to let her know we were home only to not receive an answer. We continued to call out for her until I noticed a piece of note book paper with something written on it, on the fridge. "Dear Girls, sorry I am not home. I was called into work a day early for an important meeting with my manager. I should be home by 5:30 for enough time to pick up a pizza. See you girls when I get back. Love You, Momma Bear xoxo"

After reading the letter I head up to my room upstairs, and take a shower in the bathroom that's attached to my room. After I get a shower I get dressed in a tank top and a pair of leggings. And put my hair up in a messy bun. I then turn my TV on and watch Riverdale on Netflix. While watching Netflix my phone buzzed with an notification. "Instagram: @harrystyles has requested to follow you". I open it up and check the profile, not recognizing the name.

After checking the person's profile I recognize that it's the boy from a few of my classes. The boy who warned me about a few people in the school. So I accepted his friend request. About not even more than 20 seconds later I reviewed a message on Instagram from him.

Thanks for reading. This the first story I have ever done so please excuse any messing things.

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