Chapter 1...What did i do?...

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        Wow, who knew working double shifts could be this exhausting. My blonde hair is already soaking with sweat. I can't wait for 9:00PM,all i want to do is have a long cold shower and climb into the comfort of my bed...arghhh...why is the time so slow. Then i hear my boss calling me to attend to a table. Who knew that my decision not to go to college will lead me to waiting tables. I always had a passion for dancing but apparently that is not enough for me to survive here. I miss my mum and dad so much. I shouldn't have left home. Now am 1000km from where my parents and twin sister, Alexandra, are.
        Heading to the table, i see three handsome men who were all in suits with one girl, surprisingly ,in pants suit. When i say handsome i mean "drop your jaw and start salivating" handsome. I decide to play it cool and ask for their order. The girl was the first to answer, she was strikingly beautiful with black curly hair and brown eyes, she looks so intimidating and like a goddess but she had this warm look in her eyes that makes you want trust her. She seemed friendly,one of the guys had curly dark hair also with amusing blue eyes, the second man had brown hair with brown eyes while the third man who seemed as if he was in his own world with his eyes shut snapped them open when i reached the table. He looked at me with this cold expression with his ocean blue eyes that i felt like collapsing. My legs became weak and it was as if i was placed in a trance. I couldn't look away. It was until i heard someone cough beside me that i snapped out of it. It was the girl,she stretched her hand out' hi, am Sophia'. I was lost until i realised she just told me her name.' Alexis' i answered. Then suddenly the third man stood up abruptly and left muttering some things in...spanish? Suddenly,the remaining two followed him out. Sophia then stood up saying 'am sorry but we have to go but it was nice meeting you, Alexis' giving me a hug. She left the whole bar wondering what the hell is going on? And me thinking" What the hell got his panties in a twist?" Guess the world is full of assholes no matter how handsome they are. Shrugging it off, i went back to serving customers ,silently begging the clock to move faster.

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