Memory lane

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BOOM! “GET DOWN!” VROOOOM! “WATCH OUT! TACTICAL BOMBERS 3 O’CLOCK! WHERE ARE THE ARTILLERY CANNONS! EVERYBODY DOWN!” KABOOM! This is all John could hear as he and his team were running across the battlefield. “Max to your left!”,John called out to his companion who quickly responded with a left and fired three shots with his Savannah camouflage AN-94. John ran to a low wall and crouched down. He cocked his Molot Bekas-M and peeked over the wall firing two shots at the incoming duo enemies. Switching his gun to his modified Blackout Karabiner he yelled into his earpiece. “We need to take out those snipers in the building 45 degrees to my right. Apollo get on it. Rayne, Think you can take out those T-72s while Max and I storm the capitol building 400 meters to my left?” ,He ordered his team. He got two “aye” and “on it” in response from his team mates. Max checked his weapons before giving John a thumbs up. “Alright. Move out!” ,he barked before making a sprint for the capitol building going around the main field of battle. They arrived at the door and counted down. “3….2…..1…..0... GO!”


My name is John Convel. I am now 28 years old  and a special forces Commander and it is the year 2028. The war started in the year 2020 when a Group who called themselves “the change”, nuked the world. I was already 2 years into my military service when it happened. I remember it clearly. Flash back:

I opened the door to my house sighing exhaustedly. Bark! Bark! Bark! “Hey boy! How are ya?”  Rocco came trotting in wagging his tail like crazy. I walked into the kitchen and grabbed a large bottle of water from the fridge. “So what do say we go for a walk eh boy?” Ruff! He barked happily. Then a knock sounded at the door. I walked over and opened it to see a rather lanky guy in a suit looking quite nervous. “Yes? What's the problem?”,I asked. “Well sir, The government has decided to see to it that all military personnel get their rooms reserved first for the new vaults we have built. As you can see, I've been sent to get you your room for the vault you've been assigned too. All I would like you to do is sign this paper for confirmation then I'll leave you be.” ,the man replied still nervously as if I was gonna hit him or something. “Hm. Well I don't really see the harm in doing so but I will have to ask for proof.” ,I answered calmly. He nodded quickly and pulled out a card saying he worked for the government from the citizen safety department (CSD). I held out my hand for the confirmation papers and he hastily got it handing me. I signed my name and Wrote a side note let my dog be with me. I handed it back to the man closed the door after shaking his hand. I pulled out my phone and gave a quick call to my three best friends and asking if they had a similar visit though they aren't in the military. I got a ‘yes’ from and Max and a ‘no’ from the other two. Then I heard it. A loud wailing sound of a siren sounded through my window. Immediately I ran to my room, grabbing all the essentials. I grabbed a kit bag a stuffed in bottles of mineral water, protein bars, clothes, and my battle equipment. I packed a bag for Rocco and then ran to my safe in the basement. Unlocking it, I pulled out my beautifully made Molot Bekas-M that was hand modified and camouflaged in digital camo. I whistled for Rocco to follow and I got in my 2000 Ford f-150 and helped my dog in. Then I drove towards the direction of the vaults the man told me about. We arrived there at the vaults 2 hours later and took the lift into the vaults without any trouble. Getting in there, a man in a white lab coat, Dr. Richards, explained to me what will happen. He told me that we would be put in a chamber like room and he would fill with frosting gas, a new gas they have been working on, to put us in a sort of stasis. What he hadn't explained was that they would be experimenting on some of us. As I got into the room, he handed me a forest green jumpsuit that said “project Charlie” on the back in black lettering. I put it on and walked into the room with Rocco. While I was in stasis, the doctors had taken me and strapped me to a table and put me in one of those hospital gowns. They had needles everywhere. For hours they poked needles and stuff in me. They then put me back in the jumpsuit and put me back in the chamber. That was the last I remembered about my time in the vaults. When I woke up, everybody else was still in their sleep stasis. I looked over to Rocco. He was asleep as well. Picking him up, I went to the door. Unlocked? Something strange was going on. I got out of the chamber and noticed Rocco starting to wake up. “Hey boy. You alright?” ,I asked. He nodded his head weakly. “Hm. Still tired.” ,I thought. I told him to stay put while I looked for my clothes and personal belongings. 1 hour later, I found my stuff and donned my clothes and favorite combat knife. Going back, I stumbled across the lab they had taken me to during my stay. I decided to look around. As I walked around, I saw a stack of papers on the table. Looking at the paper it read:

Project Charlie: Subject 4596A

Patient: John Convel

Sex: Male

Age: 20

Subject has genes been fused with genes of satanic leaf tailed gecko and European grey wolf. Subject has yet to show signs of change.

Side effects: unknown

Subject has the genes for camouflage, acute smell and hearing, regrowth of limbs,  enhanced strength and speed………

“Why would they do this?” ,I thought.

I then realized that I indeed feel different. Maybe they were trying to make super soldiers like that Captain America movie. Putting down the papers, I walked out and looked for my dog. Finding him, we started looking for the entrance. As we got to the entrance I found the doctor. Well, what I thought was the doctor. What was left was just a skeleton in a lab coat. Around his arm was a large watch like thing. “Well that's sketchy.” ,I said sarcastically. I grabbed the watch thing and put it on. Turning it on, it said: Welcome. I am your personal Pipboy. How may I help you?

“Cool.” ,I thought before turning it off and walking to the platform. “Alright. Let's get outta here Rocco.” ,I said.

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