meeting mini ladd

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hi my name is ebony raider I'm 22 and work at a cute little café in downtown los angles . ive been working here about a year since my mom and dad died in a car accident and left me in a coma for a month and my aunt took over the house and bank accounts and left me to fend by myself. I woke up alone to the doctors telling me that my mom and dad were dead and my aunt packed me a bag and that I was homeless. I signed the self release form and walked out of the hospital I had just enough money for 3 months of rent at a cheap apartment but had to find a job so I found a place hiring for a waitress .six months flew past so ive been working a lot just to cover rent and other bills just making enough for my phone bill and 3 boxes of ramen to last me till I get paid. during one of my breaks i watch youtube videos of people playing video games and happen to come across a funny ass guy called mini ladd. don't tell anyone but I might be delovping a crush on the guy.

I'm on my break while its slow and no one has been in the café for over a hour so I enjoy a extended break when three guys walk in . I look up and nearly choke on my food, its freaking mini ladd,daithi de nogla and terroriser!! I hurry and get up and walk over and grab three menues and lead them to one of the large booths . hi my name is ebony and ill be your waitress can I start you guys with any drinks?

terror: can I have a coke please?

nogla: just water for me please

mini: diet coke please.

ebony: alright ill be right back with those

I hurry back and do a fangirl dance at the drink station .

Alright gentlemen here are your drinks , have you had a chance to look over the menu?

Nogla: the club sandwich with sweet potato fries please.

Terrorizer: a BLT with extra bacon and normal fries please

Miniladd : surprise me please?

I hurry and write everything down repeat it and hurry and print out the order and send it back to the kitchen. I come back a few minutes later to see mini's drink empty and ask if he wants a refill grab it and ask them what they are doing today. They tell me that they've been filming videos since it's nogla and terrorizers last day before they head home and nogla was hungry. I hear the bell signaling their food was done and ready.

" Alright here is a BLT extra bacon a club sandwich and surprise a lemon chicken Alfredo pasta with a little parmesan cheese on top enjoy. "

I let them eat and walk by to refill drinks and drop off the check . They get up and come and pay and mini hands me the check his credit card and a business card with his YouTube channel and socials . I laugh and put the card in my pocket side his card waiting for it to go through and hand him his card and tell them to have a good day and a safe journey home.

The rest of the day goes by slowly and I finish locking up and start walking to my apartment at 10 pm. I see a car pull up and I grab my pocket knife I use for protection the car stops and the window rolls down and it's mini. "What are you doing walking down the street at 10:30 in Los Angeles? " I look at him and say " I'm walking back to my apartment" . He looks at me shaking his head. " Do you want a ride I don't feel like you should be walking by yourself so late at night. " " If your offering I'd like a ride please". He reaches over and opens the door for me and I get in and put on my seat belt. He asks me where I live and he puts it in the GPS. He pulls up to where I live and says" this is the most sketchy neighborhood I've seen" I look around ." It is but the rents cheap and only a mile from work." He grabs his phone and opens his contacts and tells me to put my phone number so I can text him when I get off work for a ride. I put my number in and he presses call and my phone starts to ring in my pocket. I grab it and he looks at it " that's my number don't be afraid to call it " he smiles gets out and open my door and walks me to my buildings door. I open it and look back and tell him" thanks for the ride " he smiles and says " anytime have a good night ebony" I smile and wave back at him as he's walking to the car. I walk up the 2 stories of stairs and unlock my door. I get ready for bed when I get a text from Craig saying " just got home again have a good night miss. Ebony :) "

I send back a text saying " have a good night Mr mini Ladd :) ❤

I get in bed plug in my phone and crawl into my sleeping bag and fall asleep.

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