Camias Baxter

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It was the first day moving into a new school once again. This is my third school in a year and hopefully the last. I'm in my senior year the most hectic and dramatic year for most people but for me its simply the opposite. Most people go out drink, hook up, and on the other hand theirs me, I work my ass off, just to keep myself steady in life.

Who am I? Let me introduce myself I am Camias Baxter. I'm your typical 17 year old girl, just trying to pass school and make a living. I have a younger brother named Luke whos my only family he's only 13 years old. However, I do own a Rottweiler named Zion and a cat named Hunter my two favourites.

Anyways its the first day of school and I'm already running 10 minutes late because of my little devil brother Luke who likes to prank me on a daily basis, he got me good this morning pouring water all over my school uniform, ill get him back for this.

I quickly rush out of the house on my motorbike getting there as fast as I could. As I walk through the school corridor, I'm amused to see the walls covered in graffiti, I knew this wasn't a posh school but I didn't think it was a punk school. I throw all my items into an empty locker and head my way to a classroom, room D17. I look through the window of the door, watching the teacher speak and already writing on the board. I muster up my courage and walk through the door, all eyes direct towards me.

"Sorry I'm late" I apologize, looking at the teachers arched eyebrows. "and who might you be, missy?" he replied back with a stern voice. "Camias Baxter, I'm the new transfer student", "Oh, I was awaiting your presence, welcome Camias, please introduce yourself to the class." As he says that I calm my nerves and turn to the eyes focused on me, some judging, some interested and some couldn't care less. "Hello everyone, I'm Camias Baxter, nice meeting you all," I cringe at my own introduction as I hear whispers throughout the room.

I take a seat at the very back, thinking to myself that this is going to be one hella long year. The teacher gave us a free period because it was the first day back, I praise the lord as I grab my airpods and insert them in my ears leaving reality behind. I rest my head on the table until I felt the presence of someone standing right in front of me.

I look up to see three girls, the most basic girls I've met, caked makeup, lipgloss, and fancy uniform, I thought they only existed in movies, guess not. Giving them my full undivided attention now, they start giggling, one of them says something so ridiculous I couldn't even understand. I decide to ignore them but just before I insert the other airpod piece in, I hear something I thought I escaped from, something I've let go already.

"Aren't you the girl on the news who lost her parents about 2 months ago, Baxter family right?" At this point, I wanted to punch this girl but I let it slide, that was one of the main reasons why I moved schools, I took Joshua and myself where we could escape from, I decided long ago that I wouldn't look back.

I huff in annoyance as everyone's eyes are full of pity, the room was so silent I could hear my own heart beating. It was suffocating, I grabbed my shit and stood up, followed by everyone's eyes I didn't need anyone's sympathy. I was angry and I tried to hide the fact that each pair of eyes tore a bit of my heart each time. I don't make eye contact with anyone, as I reach the door I slam into a figure that's twice my size, dark-haired and the scent of tobacco lingered into my nose.

His frown was deep, he was angry but at me, I'm not too sure, his ocean blue eyes gazed angrily at the classroom, the class was more silent than before, I'm sure if a pin dropped you would most definitely hear it. I watched as he sat down, his aipods were blasting with music you could hear it across the room.

After watching him for a good minute, I snap back to reality, his intense eyes stared at me, I was drowning. Not even apologizing for bumping into him, I turn my head and walk out of the classroom, I felt if I stayed in their any longer, I'd die of lack of oxygen.

I ended up skipping the second period, I tried making my way to the library but I had no clue where I was going, I felt like a lost little puppy. I made my way to the front where the board of directions were, this is where I was faced with two girls, one brunette and one black haired both with brown eyes.

"You must be new here" the brunette girl giggled. "I am Stacy and this is Veronica but call her Roni for short" she said while she gestured to the black haired girl.

"I'm Camias and yeah I'm completely new here"

"Come with us, let us guide you on the school" Veronica spoke as she grabbed my arm pulling me to follow.

They showed me the library, different classrooms, science labs, textiles labs and even secret places such as the rooftops and behind the old buildings. Most importantly the school cafeteria.

"This is the wild place, almost everything and anything happens here, as cliché as this sounds but our school is almost like those movies, you have your basic 'mean girls' three rich blonde girls who have nothing better to do but ruin lives and than you also have your jocks, every and I mean every single girl falls for these boys, myself included" Stacy was saying.

"Sounds like a nightmare" I replied.

"It is, however if you want to survive this school you need to be in a pack and don't stand out, that's where we come in welcome to the group Camias" Roni invited.


"That's the bells, come will take you to where we sit" Roni took us to a table at the back of the cafeteria but you could see almost everything and man did it fill up fast.

"Those three girls over there: Maddie, Rachel and Bridget stay away from them they're deadly" a boy my age said who sat in front of me. "Oh by the way I am Ash Rider, your Camias from what Roni was telling me"

"Yes" I replied back. "so who are they?" I ask eyeing the jocks on the other table loud, obnoxious and rowdy.

"The main boys out of that group are Fletcher with the black hair, Josh with the mullet, Justin with the slick back brown hair and Kian with the blonde man bun, every girl loves at least one of them I can guarantee you that" Ash commented.

"and him, he's Jace Grey, rambunctious and rowdy, he is basically the schools delinquent, he smokes does drugs gets into fights, you name it he's done it. Although he's never gotten ins with any girl at this school, the rumor is that he thinks all the girls here are annoying, your best not involving yourself with him he is nothing but trouble" Ash warned.

"He's in my homeroom, I ran into him in the morning, he looked so mad" I recalled.

"ahhahah good luck Camias" Stacy interrupted with a plate of food.

I think ill need it I thought to myself.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 08, 2019 ⏰

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