chapter one: last day of school

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BEEP .BEEP .BEEP I groan as I try to attempt to wack my alarm I just fall of my bed.
OWW I scream as I fell right on my ass.another day of ugghhhhh suddenly I get a text message from Nicole. Nicole is my beastie we've known each other since preschool and our families are close. The text read

Nicloe:heyy bitch last day of school

Kylie:stop messing with me

Nicloe :fine don't belive me go check the date

Kylie:fine bitch

Then I slowly got up and screamed "mom what day is it " June 29th she replied" ( I know in America most schools end in may but science I'm Canadien school ends in June so plz don't mind)ooh shit she was right. But I refused to text back because I was to imberessed. I picked out my outfit for the day wich is light washed  high-waisted jeans and a grey cropped hoddie with my grey vans hightops.Then I dressed my self and walked into the bathroom I played my Playlist and brushed my teeth then washed my face using my clean and clear face scrub. Then I brushed out my  black wavy hair and ironed it. Then for my makeup I put a little foundation on then filled my eyebrows and I put on mascara and eyeliner  to make my blue eyez pop and nude lip gloss.I headed down stairs to see my mom cooking breakfast. My parents are divorced and my mom is a hotel manager wich she makes a lot of money and is able to support us as a single parent hi mom I said hi sweetie she said back and placed pancakes in front of me with syrup thx mom I said your welcome she said .So last day of school my mom said ya I replied so what do u wanna do  for your sweet 16  she said.I didn't want a party  my birthday was in 2 weeks . I aunoustly don't even know I said.i checked the time it said 8:45  I had 15 minute s tell school started .Bye mom  gotta go know okay bye hundreds have a nice day she said u too is ad back .10 minutes later  I arrive at school I text Nicole

K= Kylie  N=Nicloe

K:where are u

N: at the front entrance

K= I don't see u

N= turn around

Then I turn around she's behind me wow stalker much I stated .Ummmm excuse me she sayssed back ya I said whatever. (Skip to last period of the day )5 more minutes til I'm out this hell hole I thought to myself.The teacher was going on mumbling about summer safety and no one gave to shits. (10 min later )D-I-N-G finally as soon as the bell rang everyone screamed for joy as I quickly ran out the classroom to meet Nicloe. Kylie I heard someone scream I turn around to see Nicloe running towards  me yess no more school for two mothes hell ya she screamed as walked  out the school.yasss  I screamed back.

The end of chapter one 
A/n yay end of chapter hope u liked it

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 22, 2017 ⏰

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