Epilogue: Truth and Light

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Power. The world revolves around it. Men, Dwarves, Orcs and Elves are drawn to it. And yet there was one; born from light and Truth. Destined to change the balance for the ages since. Though he lost his life. He gained that which power could not give and wisdom could not comprehend.

The Prophecy written in time :

A child, born of Light and Truth, Bathed in blood and agony. Fated to claim the throne of eternity and the eons will quake with his might. Be it in terror or prosperity.

Chapter 1.

Moving in the forrest, silent and unheard, Kato approaches the bandits that had attacked the tribes hunters. Auburn hair glistening in the dying moon light. Eyes as blue as the the deepest ocean. As an outcast, there would be no reprocutions. He stays at a distance where he could observe their routine and act accordingly. Swift and deadly as was his style. But something was off about these bandits. They were well organized. Men rotating on watch every 3 hours. No breaks and dawn will rise in a few hours. Yet he was hesitant. Not many races can best his tribes hunters. They leave no tracks and are more like a militia rather than hunters. Non the less, they have to pay for what they did. 10 men slaughtered and there bodies desecrated. This could not go unanswered.

'You ready for retribution Thrash?'

He says to his Kravus Hound with a wicked smirk.

Thrash nods in response.

They move in slowly, down wind making sure not to distub the trees or shrubs. Kato un sheaths his sword. Then one of the bandits sees the shimmer of his sword. He twitches and in a puff of black smoke. They were gone... An entire camp of 15 men disappears in the blink of an eye. Supplies and all, even the fire is gone. Then it hits him. The smell, the cries and the dread of what he was about to face. He turns to face the direction of the tribes base. How could he not have noticed it before.

'I am an elf. Dae has blessed us with vision and senses beyond all ather races. HOW could I not have sensed this' he thinks to himself as he sees the flames rise from the village. The smell of burning flesh overwhelmes him.

' Thrash let us hope we are not too late'

He mounts the hound as they hurtle through the trees. When they reach the edge of the forrest they see the village besieged by dwarves.

' But what are they doing in the realms of the Dry lands. No mortal can move between realms. That is only for the Gods and their ... '

Before he utters another word he bolts toward the inferno.

Slicing and blundering his way through dwarves and debris. He comes to the elders tent.

' Where is she! '

Searching the tent he finds nothing. But as he leaves into the courtyard he sees it.

'Eldrins Champion' he whimpers under his breath.

Urzazel was his name. Daes most trusted legionare. Thousands of damned souls were vanquished by his hands. No one knew why he joined Eldrin to be his champion. But the realms shudder at his appearance and where he goes only ashes remain.

'Half-breed, I have come for your soul. My master will have his throne and your head will be his foot rest' Urzazel bellows at Kato in an unholy proclamation.

' What do you want Demon. My people have done nothing against your God. We are Nomads and do not enter his realms. What do you seek from me?! '

' The Prophecy cannot pass. LEAVE NONE ALIVE. But this one. He is mine to torment.'

he says as he pulls a rusted sword from his rent armour.

' He shall know betrayal as I have. '

Just as Kato glimpses the dwarves dragging away Haruko as she kicks and screams.

"HARUKO !!!" he bellows as he lunges towards her in the distance.

Only to be stopped by a familiar hand.

"Raizo ?. Leave me be I must get to Haruko..... Raizo ??"

He says as he notices the hollow look in Raizos' eyes. He steps back as Raizo unshealths his sword. Hands shaking as he quivers.

"You may have taken my body and made me do unspeakable horrors, but this time you will not have your way."

" I will see you soon Brother. Remember what happened here. And live on. For all of us. "

Raizo plunges the sword into his body. Sacrificing himself rather than killing his best friend.

" Hahaha it seems the coward still had some fight left. None the less the boy will die. And it will be my honour. "

Urzazel grabs Kato as he kneels over Raizos' body.

" Now. Die in agony, in thr blood of your brothers "

He throws him up and impales him through the chest. Slamming his sword into the ground.

" Haruko .........."

Katos last words as he fades into deaths cold embrace.

Every night. They come. The voices of those familiar to me. They haunt my days. Lurking in shadows and hiding behind faces.

Though they are known to me, I know not where from. Waking in a crater, a rusted blade at my side, bare as the day I was born. That is all I remember. Amidst smoke and ash I was taken. And so I am here. Thrust into battle day after bloody day. Four years of fighting for spectacle. Curbing the crowds endless bloodlust and hunger for the blood of the weak. But that time has passed. Today I will leave this barbaric arena and seek her face. The one I see night after night.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 30, 2018 ⏰

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