Harry Potter tag

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1: Ravenclaw. I took an off brand house quiz a while ago and got Hufflepuff, but I'm Ravenclaw on pottermore.
2: DADA would definitely be my favorite. Or transfiguration.
3: Most likely the invisibility cloak. I'd get so much prancing done and I could definitely get revenge in so many people.
4: Hallows. I don't want to split my soul up.
5: Lupin or McGonagall. I LOVE McGonagall.
6: Probably Bellatrix. Other than the fact that she tortured Neville's parents into insanity and Hermione, she's awesome.
7: The twins. They count as one person and I love all their pranks.
8: Tears is laughter; when we meet Tonks. Tears of sadness; when Sirius and Dumbledore die.
9: I took the pottermore quiz and got a nebelung cat. I don't know the difference between types of cats, so to me, it's just a cat.
10: Keeper, definitely keeper. I play soccer and I'm the goalie so it's not much different.
11: Lupin or fake Moody. He actually taught them well.
12: Hedwig's theme.
13: 12 1/2 inches hawthorn wood with a dragon heartstring core.
14: If I could choose, it would be an owl. They are so wise and my favorite animal. It would probably be a nebelung cat because a patronus is like an animagi.
15: oh god, this is hard. I would have to say an owl because my parents would never let me have one in real life.

I tag:  _professional_memer_ oh_look_its_a_potato blooboy8 cj_artist and -Skystep-

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