Alone In Detention

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Formally "Detention With Potter"

"MALFOY, DETENTION!" McGonagall shouted at me from the front of the room. I looked at her aghast, even though I was passing notes to Blaze from across the room, and some Hufflepuff girl snitched on me because the note had a few swears on it.

I huffed and rolled my eyes, slumping in my chair and halfway listen to her straighten her posture and continue with the lesson.


After McGonagall had us do the final few notes and tasks before class let out, she gave me the detention slip and I packed up my things.

"Since I will not be present for your detention, Professor Snape has willingly offered to keep you for detention."

I snarled, "oh, what fun!" I said sarcastically, walking out of the room.

I walked down to Professor Snape's classroom and pushed open the heavy door, and rolling my eyes and huffing before my eyes settled on the other person sitting in the occupied seat in front of Snape's desk.

God dammit.

I saw Potter slumped in the chair, twiddling his thumbs or whatnot, and I immediately groaned in irritation.

"Oh, Mr. Malfoy, just in time..." he trailed on the sentence, knowingly getting on my nerves.

I walked over to the spare seat and sat down, crossing my legs and putting my hands over my knees.

"Well, since McGonagall told me you have detention, Mr.Malfoy, I was just going to have you copy extra notes on the ingredients mostly used in more advanced potions, so if you two would get your Potions book, I have some notes on the chalkboard." He said as he flipped the board to face me and Potter.

"Now, as you can tell—"

"PROFESSOR SNAPE!" A voice from the door shouted frantically.

"Yes, Mr.Creevey?" Snape said, and I noticed a hint of irritation in his voice.

"Erm, there's a problem that we need your help with in the Quidditch field." The Creevey kid said with an uneasy voice, looking at Potter a lot, which kinda made me jealous.

Now, let me explain this, did I like Potter? Yes.
Did I get jealous when he got cuddly with the Weasley and Granger girl? Yes.
Did I sometimes fantasize about him? Yes.

But that meant nothing.

"Oh, alright, um, Mr.Potter, Malfoy, you stay here and finish these notes, I may not be back for a while..." He said and left the room, the kid following behind him.

We started writing a bit, but then I kinda got bored and broke the bitter silence by trying to start somewhat of a conversation. "Look at you, "Mr.Chosen One" got in detention, what'd ya do?" I was gonna say something, but I figured that was enough and I just kicked my feet up on the desk we were sitting at.

He glared at me and rolled his eyes behind those ugly glasses, that somehow looked extremely attractive on him. "Yeah, I got in here because I did something to upset Professor.Needs-Anger-Management."

I didn't know he had that good of comebacks.

I accidentally chuckled a bit and looked over at him. "Well, I was passing notes and some Hufflepuff snitched on me."

He looked back at me and he didn't glare like he usually did, it was a he was talking to a friend,

Like, I was his friend.

I felt my face go a bit red and immediately looked the other direction. Until Potter grabbed my wrist that I had beside me.

"How do you do that? How in the hell do you look like you spend hours feeding on sadness, when all of a sudden, I can see the mask you put on every day, and honestly, you're actually kinda attractive when you're not being a asshat."

Okay that was pretty mean, but it made me blush more somehow. And I stood up and he let go of my wrist. "Uhm, a-are you talking to me?" I asked and I knew I had this stupid look on my face.

"Shit. I said that out loud? Sorry erm, that was awkward. Sorry." He said, and now I wasn't the only one blushing.

But as he was blushing, he was walking towards me like a sleepwalker, like he had no control over his actions.

"Potter, w-what are you d-doing?" I said, holding my hands up to his muscular chest, but that wasn't helping because I was now up against the wall and I swear, I was going to drool, holy shit.

But before I could say anything else, he leaned down to place a soft kiss on my lips.

"Um, sorry, I didn't mean to do that-"

"Oh, fuck you Potter."

Now before he could question what I was doing, I crashed my lips onto his, wrapping my hands around his neck.

He didn't say anything else, when he tilted his head to kiss me back, wrapping his hands around my narrow waist, unlike him, I wasn't muscular, and I didn't have a strong build or anything like Harry had, I was just kinda taller and kinda lanky.

But obviously Potter didn't care because he tugged on my hair, making an embarrassing whimper leap from my mouth, and his tongue using that as an entrance into my mouth, exploring the unknown area that was mostly used for my snarky comments and sarcastic remarks, but right now, this was the only use for it.

Harry broke the kiss to move his lips to my neck, trailing kisses down my throat sucking and biting, sure to leave a mark later.

He trailed his strong hands down my narrow arms to grab my hands and bring them above my head, capturing my lips in another kiss again.

He let go of my hands and grabbed my thighs, making me jump, and out of instinct, my legs wrapped around his waist, for him to adjust his posture and stand up straighter.

He kissed me on my neck again, kissing me to my collarbone, leaving more marks right where my shirt would land when all this would surely end.

But I wasn't focusing on that when I had the man of my dreams licking hot trails up my throat to my jawline.

I bit my lip, letting a muffled moan slip by my lips, and putting my hands in his messy raven black hair, tugging as if this was a reassurance that this wasn't just a fucked up dream.

He brought his lips to my ear, licking the top of the earlobe and whispering incoherent words mixed in with my name, and then lifting his head up to me, and looking me deeply in the eyes, and smiling a smile that made me melt like ice in his hands.

I grabbed the sides of his head to bring him to another heated kiss, making sure to tangle my fingers in his hair as he trailed his hands everywhere he could on me, making me go insane as he lifted up my shirt to touch my bare abdomen.


We kissed like that, only breaking it for Harry to move a little or kiss and touch in a different place.

Then I heard a door shut and a throat clearing in front of me. I grab Harry's head and point it towards Snape that has an unreadable look on his face as we both stop what he rudely interrupted, to get our stuff together and walk out of the classroom.

And we held hands and never looked back.

PHEW! That was a lot of work!! This was a rewritten chapter, and I'm honestly very proud of how this turned out and if you can't tell, I've improved a lot in my writing and I'm very excited for the other chapters I will be rewriting, thank you for reading, love you all 😍


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