30 Things To Do When Your Bored Out Of Your Mind

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I know lots of people are super bored when its some rainy day or something. Now, using this list, you can do fun, random stuff!(warning: may contain too much fun stuff for you to handle)


      1. Write a one sentence story using the words hobo, dounuts, and chickens.

      2. Pretend your an airplane. Whoosh!!!

      3. Play dead whenever you see your brother/sister. If you don't have a brother or sister, do it to your parents.

      4. Scream at a water bottle, and when someone asks you why, say,"CAUSE IT'S SHINY..."

      5. If your with a friend or friends, make up a show and show it to your pet.

      6. If you are really rich, buy a llama,  and teach it how to laugh crazy.  

      7. Put a banana on your head, and count how long it takes for someone to notice.

      8. Go to a store and ask the year. Once they answer, laugh evilly and say,"It worked!"

      9. If your at a store, get some bananas and complain to a store clark that their watermelons are too yellow.

     10. When you see a guy with a beard, yell that he (or she, but that would be weird...) is santa.

     11. Run up to random people and ask, "Do you like waffles?" If they say no, say," THIS IS SPARTA!!!"

     12. Slap a tree and say, "Don't die on me!!!"

     13. Hide in a closet, and say welcome to Narnia. If they are smart enough to realize that Narnia was in a wardrobe, yell,"Well too bad. Suck it up princess!"

     14. Walk in ultra slow-mo. If you can, race with a turtle or something or someone slow.

     15. Pretend your a mime in a box, and if someone puts your hand in the box or tries to break it, say,"Wow, personal space breaker!"

     16. Cut grass with scissors and in the end make it confetti, pouring it all over you or someone else.

     17.  Go to somewhere very public and yell, "The sky is falling!" and see what the results are.

     18. Call Domino's and ask the phone number for Pizza Hut. (or the other way around, or some other pizza place you know)

     19. If you see a young kid that looks like you (besides your family), say, "I'm your future. Do you like?"

     20. Make faces on eggs and ask the person who does your grocery shopping, "Why you ruining meh omelets?"

     21. Duct tape someone you hate on the wall.(I'm evil, I know)

     22. Buy some gummy bears and gummy worms and make an awesome war.(and duh, eat it at the end!!!)

     23. Try to make people in Walmart hi-five you. Keep track, and make high scores!

     24. Point at someone and scream,"Your one of them, aren't you?" Pretend to run away, then trip, and say,"Until we meet again!"

     25. Buy the most biggest pants you can find, and see how many people can fit in one.

    26. In the store, ask if they have blueberry or strawberry toliet paper.

    27. Call a random phone number and say,"Hello? Is this Uncle Bob? Are you alive?"

    28. Yell cream cheese to people you don't know.

    29. Go to a random person, with a photo of yourself, and ask,"Do you know this person?"

    30. Name a cookie, and tell everyone how it had a mustache, but the mustache ran away.


      So, how u like? is it good? please comment and TRY THIS!



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⏰ Last updated: Jun 05, 2012 ⏰

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